Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
Deliberate problems developing high-performance vision, signal, security, and storage applications.

Size of matrices in "small" matrix library

Our application does extensive operations on matrices of the sizes 500x500 to 700x700. We have been using the MKL BLAS routines for this, but upwards of 50% of the execution time for those is threading overhead in the libguide40.dll module.

The support folks for MKL on the premier site say these are small for MKL to handle efficiently. Does the IPP small matrix library work better for matrices in this size range? What is a typical "small" matrix by this packages standard?

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10 Replies

IPP was optimized for a typical size of matrices like 3x3, 6x6 and up to 20x20.


0 Kudos
For matrices of those sizes, do you know how the performance of IPP compares with MKL?

0 Kudos

I think IPP should be faster in cases where it was especially optimized (small sizes) the sameshould betrue for MKL for big sizes


0 Kudos

Coincidentally, I experimented with something very similar just a couple of weeks ago, decided to post, but nuked my post at the last minute. Admittedly, I was only evaluating an eval version of IPP 4.2, but I expect nothing major to have changed w.r.t. the few functions I am using below.

My benchmark initially consisted of creating 100,000 matrices in a loop, inverting them, multiplying the inverse with the original and printing them out (to /dev/null) I originally tried using 100x100 matrices but the speed with IPP was unbearably slow compared to almost everything else, including home-grown code; I then realized that IPP is for small matrices after all, and so I decided to use 6x6 matrices so I could use the 6x6 library functions. Here is the code (linux)

------- IPP benchmark code -------
#include "ipp.h"

main() {
int dim = 6;


for (int n = 0; n < 1e5; n++) {
if (n%10000==0) fprintf(stderr, "iter: %d ", n);

Ipp32f mat[dim*dim];
Ipp32f inv[dim*dim];
Ipp32f mul[dim*dim];
int srcStride1 = dim * sizeof(Ipp32f);
int dstStride1 = dim * sizeof(Ipp32f);

for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
mat[i*dim+j] = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX;

(void) ippmInvert_m_32f_6x6((const Ipp32f*) mat, srcStride1, inv, dstStride1);
(void) ippmMul_mm_32f_6x6((const Ipp32f*) mat, srcStride1,
(const Ipp32f*) inv, srcStride1, mul, dstStride1);

printf("Orig matrix "); printMat(mat, dim, dim);
printf("Inverted matrix "); printMat(inv, dim, dim);
printf("Product matrix "); printMat(mul, dim, dim);

// --------------------------------------------------
I compile this with:

g++ -O3 -L /opt/intel/ipp41/ia32_itanium/sharedlib -o ippmat -I/opt/intel/ipp41/ia32_itanium/include -lippm
And I run (on my linux Fedora 7 PC, with a ) it with:
$ time ippmat >/dev/null
6.733u 0.012s 0:06.75 99.8% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

$ uname -va
Linux myhost #1 SMP Tue Aug 21 22:36:56 EDT 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 15
model : 4
model name : Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.20GHz
stepping : 3
cpu MHz : 2800.000
cache size : 2048 KB

I then experimented with using openCV matrix calls, and I find that the timings with openCV were comparable to IPP, but slightly worse (7.2 user seconds), Now I have similar code that uses my own matrix functions which placed somewhere between openCV and IPP. Please bear with the length of the code - most of it is just standard implementation of text-book algorithms. The main() function is the same as above, except that the matrices are created and released outside of the loop (because they are on the heap). I can reproduce the exact numbers, the full code for both the home-grown and openCV version if there is interest.

// ----------- Home-grown non-IPP code -------------


struct Matrix {
int nRows;
int nCols;
double **data;

Matrix *mat_create(int nRows, int nCols) {
Matrix *A = (Matrix *) calloc(1, sizeof(Matrix));
A->nRows = nRows;
A->nCols = nCols;
A->data = (double**) calloc(nRows, sizeof(double*));
for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++)
A->data = (double*) calloc(nCols, sizeof(double));
return A;

void mat_destroy(Matrix** A) {
if (!A || !*A) return;
Matrix *p = *A;
for (int i = 0; i < p->nRows; i++)
*A = 0; // To prevent double frees

inline void mat_rowSwap(Matrix *m, int r1, int r2){
double *tmp = m->data[r1];
m->data[r1] = m->data[r2];
m->data[r2] = tmp;

inline void mat_rowMul(Matrix *m, int row, double val){
for(int col = 0; col < m->nCols; col++)
m->data[row][col] *= val;

inline void mat_rowMulAdd(Matrix *m, int rFrom, int rTo, double val) {
for(int col = 0; col < m->nCols; col++)
m->data[rTo][col] += val * m->data[rFrom][col];

void mat_rref(Matrix *m) {
int pivCol = 0, pivRow = 0;
double absval;
int tmp = 0;

while(pivRow < m->nRows) {
while(absval == 0.0 && pivCol < m->nCols) {
absval = fabs(m->data[pivRow][pivCol]);
tmp = pivRow;
for(int row = pivRow+1; row < m->nRows; row++) {
if(fabs(m->data[row][pivCol]) > absval) {
absval = fabs(m->data[row][pivCol]);
tmp = row;
if(absval == 0) pivCol++;

if(pivCol >= m->nCols || pivRow >= m->nRows) return;
if(pivRow != tmp) mat_rowSwap(m,tmp,pivRow); // Move to top
mat_rowMul(m, pivRow, 1.0/m->data[pivRow][pivCol]); // Rescale
for(int row = 0; row < m->nRows; row++) {
if (row == pivRow) continue;
pivRow++; // Step down the diagnoal

Matrix *mat_invert(const Matrix *m) { // invert using RREF
Matrix *tmp = mat_create(m->nRows, m->nCols*2);
Matrix *inv = mat_create(m->nRows, m->nCols);

for(int i = 0; i < m->nRows; i++) {
tmp->data[i+m->nCols] = 1;
for(int j = 0; j < m->nCols; j++)
tmp->data = m->data;


for(int i = 0; i < m->nRows; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < m->nCols; j++)
inv->data = tmp->data[j+m->nCols];

return inv;

Matrix *mat_mul(const Matrix *A, const Matrix *B) {
Matrix *P = mat_create(A->nRows, B->nCols);

for (int j = 0; j < B->nCols; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < A->nRows; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < A->nCols; k++)
P->data += A->data * B->data;

return P;


0 Kudos

Apologies, the rendering of the previous post seems to be completely messed up! I'll investigate and edit...


0 Kudos

Anyway, assumtion that nothing changed in IPP5.2since IPP 4.1 is not correct. There were two years of hard work on optimization of IPP and developing new functions especially in ippMX domain between those two versions. Please try the latest version of IPP.


0 Kudos

Ok Thanks. We'll try it out with the new library this weekend.


0 Kudos
We took this opportunity to download the eval version of 5.2 to benchmark it for our app. It seems that for the purposes of our app, which uses just inversion and multiplication quite intensively, 5.2 does not add much in terms of value over and above 4.1. Here are timing results on the same machine as I had reported before, but this time with IPP5.2. As you can see, IPP5.2 seems to be slower than 4.1, although they are both faster than cvMat and our home-grown matrix code (which I had earlier mistakenly reported as faster than cvMat). Below the timing results, I reproduce the benchmarking loop that actually calls the library. Please let me know if there's something I should be doing differently:
$ time 4.1.ippmat >/dev/null
iter: 100000
iter: 900000
46.685u 0.084s 0:46.86 99.7% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

$ time 5.2.ippmat > /dev/null
iter: 100000
iter: 900000
49.631u 0.100s 0:49.80 99.8% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

$ time cvmat > /dev/null
iter: 100000
iter: 900000
52.738u 0.111s 0:53.09 99.5% 0+0k 2832+0io 15pf+0w

$ time mymat > /dev/null
iter: 100000
iter: 900000
52.988u 0.089s 0:53.15 99.8% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

// ---------- IPP 5.2 Matrix benchmark code -------------------
#include "ipp.h"

void printMat(Ipp64f mat[], int w, int h) {
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++)
printf("%3.2f ", mat[i*w+j]);
printf(" ");
printf(" ");

main() {
int dim = 6;
int widthHeight = 6;
IppStatus status;


// Profile block
for (int n = 0; n < 1e6; n++) {
if (n%100000==0) fprintf(stderr, "iter: %d ", n);

Ipp64f mat[dim*dim];

int srcStride1 = dim * sizeof(Ipp64f);
int dstStride1 = dim * sizeof(Ipp64f);
int srcStride2 = sizeof(Ipp64f);
int dstStride2 = sizeof(Ipp64f);
Ipp64f pBuffer[dim*dim+dim];

for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
mat[i*dim+j] = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX;

Ipp64f inv[dim*dim]; ippmInvert_m_64f((const Ipp64f*) mat, srcStride1, srcStride2,
pBuffer, inv, dstStride1, dstStride2, widthHeight);
Ipp64f mul[dim*dim]; ippmMul_mm_64f((const Ipp64f*) mat, srcStride1, srcStride2, dim, dim,
(const Ipp64f*) inv, srcStride1, srcStride2, dim, dim,
mul, dstStride1, dstStride2);

printf("Inverted matrix "); printMat(inv, dim, dim);
printf("Product matrix "); printMat(mul, dim, dim);
// Profile block


As before, we compiled with:

g++ -O3 -o 5.2.ippmat -I/opt/intel/ipp/5.2/ia32/include -lippm -L/opt/intel/ipp/5.2/ia32/sharedlib -lippcore



0 Kudos


there is comment from our expert:

Such performance results seem to be true.

The new API has led to some performance regression for operation with one small matrix
because of the additional overhead on parameters check and branching.

The main distinctive feature of IPP small matrices domain is matrix arrays processing.
The optimization has been focused on operations with large amount of small matrices (sizes 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6).
Our advice is to use matrix array functions like as ippmInvert_ma & ippmMul_mama

+ use dynamic linking in order to see advantage from parallelization.


0 Kudos
Thank you! I might have guessed that would be the case, because even with IPP4.1, we had noticed significant degradation when using the non 6x6 functions for the matrix inversion and multiplication, and the matrix dimensions had to be passed in. It was only the explicitly sized NxN functions that bought us the speed. But these, alas, are missing in 5.2.


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