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Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
Deliberate problems developing high-performance vision, signal, security, and storage applications.

Support for Visual Studio 2010

Can you tell me if the latest release of Intel IPP supports Visual Studio 2010? I looked in the product document and I believe it only supports up to VS 2008. If this is the case, can you tell me if and when support for VS 2010 will be released?

I'm a Software Engineer and we use Intel IPP a lot in our products, and we are in the process of upgrading to the new Visual Studio.

Thanks in advance,

- Ryan McKinney
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1 Reply
Hello Ryan,

The current version of the library (as of this writing, 6.1) does not "technically" support VS2010, which means that it has not been validated for use with VS2010. However, since the library itself does not rely heavily on the VS IDE it should not be a problem to use existing versions of the library within a VS2010project. Note that the VS2010 help system changes dramatically from that used in VS2005 and VS2008, so the current IPP help files will NOT work with VS2010.

We are definitely planning on supporting VS2010 (help files and validation) in the next major release of IPP.



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