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Intel® MPI Library
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Asking for MPI credentials on my Dell PC even though registered using mpiexec !!

1.909 Vistas

I am facing a weird problem of asking for user credentials for executing a simple program even though i have registered using 

mpiexec -register

I have tried the same on my another HP PC and in that case it works fine and doesn't asked for credentials.

I have used a the following command for test case

mpiexec -n 2 hostname

Please somebody respond to my issue. I just wanted the MPI to not prompt for credentials everytime.

I am confused why it only happens on my Dell machine.


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5 Respuestas
1.896 Vistas

Hi Mahesh,


You have already raised a similar issue and we have responded to that thread. Please find the response at Asking for MPI credentials even though registered using mpiexec !! - Intel Community.

We are closing this issue as this is a duplicate of the previous thread you have raised.




1.889 Vistas

In this thread i have mentioned my problem to a point @PrasanthD_intel  

if you wish to close this please respond on the other one

1.789 Vistas

Hi Mahesh,

As we have already started a discussion regarding this issue in this thread Asking for MPI credentials even though registered using mpiexec !! - Intel Community.

Please find the responses there as we are closing this thread as a duplicate. We will no longer monitor this thread.



1.763 Vistas

Hi Mahesh,

You haven't responded whether the solution provided to the problem you were facing while updating to the latest version. Did changing the name worked for you?

If you didn't find the answer the response in the other thread i am also posting it here:

The argument to the qc should be the service name as in:

sc [<ServerName>] qc [<ServiceName>]

Here the error suggests that "The specified service does not exist as an installed service."

The service name impi_hydra is incorrect. In my system the service name for hydra process manager is impi_hydra_2019_0_9.

One way to check the service name is to open run (Win + R) and open services.msc.

There you search for your hydra version and click on the mpi hydra service in your system to get the name.

The command that worked for me was:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\mpi\2019.9.311\intel64\bin\mpiexec.exe" -n 1 sc qc impi_hydra_2019_0_9

Also please run mpivars.bat before using mpiexec.exe to set up the required environment.

Please let us know whether we can close one of the threads since both deal with a similar issue and it is redundant to have two threads running. Let us confirm which thread you want. We will close the other thread.

Let us know whether your issue is resolved or if you still have any issues.



1.730 Vistas

Hi Mahesh,

We are closing this assuming your issue has been resolved. We will no longer respond to this thread. If you require additional assistance from Intel, please start a new thread. Any further interaction in this thread will be considered community only


