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No profiling data for OpenMP-offload with LEVEL0 backend.

New Contributor I
.\matmul.exe 256
dim1 = dim2 =          256                                                                                                                                           MATMUL Time =   9.9999998E-03                                                                                                                                        Offloading Time =    5.686000                                                                                                                                        Max(|C2-C1|) =   0.0000000E+00
LIBOMPTARGET_PROFILE for OMP DEVICE(0) Intel(R) HD Graphics P630, Thread 0                                                                                           -- Name:        Host Time (msec)        Device Time (msec)                                                                                                           -- Compiling:   2.452   2.444                                                                                                                                        -- DATA-READ:   1.067   1.048                                                                                                                                        -- DATA-WRITE:  0.563   0.575                                                                                                                                        -- EXEC-__omp_offloading_7247eb74_81959_MAIN___l26:     176.722 176.227                                                                                              -- Linking:     5487.889        5465.936                                                                                                                             -- Offload entries init:        1.096   1.092                                                                                                                        -- Total:       5669.789        5647.321

.\matmul.exe 256
 dim1 = dim2 =          256                                                                                                                                           MATMUL Time =   1.2000000E-02                                                                                                                                        Offloading Time =    6.020000                                                                                                                                        Max(|C2-C1|) =   0.0000000E+00
0 Kudos
1 Solution

oneAPI 2021.2 was released at the beginning of the month.  Both of the issues you reported have been fixed: the extraneous messages and getting the profile information.

Be aware that the environment variable to set to get the profile information has been changed to "LIBOMPTARGET_PLUGIN_PROFILE". 

Please try the latest compiler and let me know how it works for you.


View solution in original post

0 Kudos
11 Replies


Thanks for reporting the issue.

We have reproduced the issue and we are forwarding this issue to the internal team. The internal team can answer better whether support for LEVEL0 is there or not.



0 Kudos

I cannot duplicate this issue on Linux using a Fortran version of matmul with the latest compiler.

What version of Windows are you running? What compiler version? Which graphics driver do you have installed?

Thank you.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I
program main
  use omp_lib
  implicit none
  integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind(6,37)
  integer :: i, j, k
  integer :: n
  character(len=5) :: var
  real(sp), allocatable :: a(:,:), b(:,:), c(:,:), cc(:,:)
  integer :: t1, t2, t3
  real(sp) :: tic
  call get_command_argument( 1, var )
  read( var, '(i5.3)') n
  print*, "dim1 = dim2 = ", n
  allocate( a(n,n), b(n,n), c(n,n), cc(n,n) )
  call random_number(a)
  call random_number(b)
  c = 0._sp
  call system_clock(t1, tic)
  cc = matmul( a, b)
  call system_clock( t2 )
  print*, "MATMUL Time = ", (t2-t1)/tic
  !$omp target teams distribute parallel do collapse(3) map( to:a,b) map( tofrom:c ) 
  do j = 1, n
    do k = 1, n
	  do i = 1, n
	    c(i,j) = a(i,k)*b(k,j) + c(i,j)
      end do
	end do
  end do
  call system_clock(t3)
  print*, "Offloading Time = ", (t3-t2)/tic
  print*, "Max(|C2-C1|) = ", maxval( abs(cc-c) )
end program main
ifx /QV
Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.1.2 Beta Build 20201214

Windows 10 20H2 19042.685

Intel Graphics Driver

0 Kudos

I am seeing the same issue, but SLIGHTLY differently.  I have a UHD 620 not a 630 but I think the issue is in the shutdown of the offload region.  I see it complete and I get the stats but it then gets a Windows error that the program exited abnormally.  I did this for arrays of 256 and 64 with the same result.  64 is nice since it runs faster.

Just like yours, selecting the OpenCL Driver works.  Level 0 does not, it crashes like the below


0 Kudos

Can you please set LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG=1, make the runs with the 2 plugins and upload the messages?

What compiler options are you using? What messages, if any, does the compiler produce?

I ran on another Windows computer with Gen9 and see the profile with Level0, but not OpenCL.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I
ifx /Qiopenmp /Qopenmp-targets=spir64 matmul.f90
Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.1.2 Beta Build 20201214
Copyright (C) 1985-2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

ifx: command line warning #10161: unrecognized source type 'C:\Users\mehdi\AppData\Local\Temp\694084.o'; object file assumed
ifx: command line warning #10161: unrecognized source type 'C:\Users\mehdi\AppData\Local\Temp\6940102.o'; object file assumed
ifx: command line warning #10161: unrecognized source type 'C:\Users\mehdi\AppData\Local\Temp\6940124.o'; object file assumed
ifx: command line warning #10161: unrecognized source type 'C:\Users\mehdi\AppData\Local\Temp\6940146.o'; object file assumed
ifx: command line warning #10161: unrecognized source type 'C:\Users\mehdi\AppData\Local\Temp\6940168.o'; object file assumed
ifx: command line warning #10161: unrecognized source type 'C:\Users\mehdi\AppData\Local\Temp\69401810.o'; object file assumed
ifx: command line warning #10161: unrecognized source type 'C:\Users\mehdi\AppData\Local\Temp\69402012.o'; object file assumed
ifx: command line warning #10161: unrecognized source type 'C:\Users\mehdi\AppData\Local\Temp\69402214.o'; object file assumed
ifx: command line warning #10161: unrecognized source type 'C:\Users\mehdi\AppData\Local\Temp\69402416.o'; object file assumed
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.28.29335.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

694084.o : warning LNK4078: multiple '__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__openmp-s' sections found with different attributes (40100800)
694084.o : warning LNK4078: multiple '__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE_SIZE__ope' sections found with different attributes (40100800)


.\matmul.exe 128
Libomptarget --> TargetOffloadPolicy = DEFAULT
Libomptarget --> Initialized OMPT
Libomptarget --> Loading RTLs...
Libomptarget --> Checking user-specified plugin 'omptarget.rtl.opencl.dll'...
Libomptarget --> Loading library 'omptarget.rtl.opencl.dll'...
Target OPENCL RTL --> omp_get_thread_limit() returned 2147483647
Target OPENCL RTL --> omp_get_max_teams() returned 0
Target OPENCL RTL --> Target device type is set to GPU
Libomptarget --> Successfully loaded library 'omptarget.rtl.opencl.dll'!
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_alloc_base
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_alloc_user
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_alloc_explicit
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_alloc_managed
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_delete_managed
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_submit_nowait
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_retrieve_nowait
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_create_buffer
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_release_buffer
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_create_offload_queue
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_release_offload_queue
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_get_device_name
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_get_platform_handle
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_get_data_alloc_info
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_init_ompt
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_is_managed_ptr
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_manifest_data_for_region
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_nd_region
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_run_target_region_nowait
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_region_nowait
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_nd_region_nowait
Target OPENCL RTL --> Start initializing OpenCL
Target OPENCL RTL --> Platform OpenCL 3.0  has 1 Devices
Target OPENCL RTL --> Device 0: Intel(R) HD Graphics P630
Target OPENCL RTL --> Number of execution units on the device is 24
Target OPENCL RTL --> Maximum work group size for the device is 256
Target OPENCL RTL --> Addressing mode is 64 bit
Target OPENCL RTL --> Device local mem size: 65536
Target OPENCL RTL --> Initialized OMPT
Libomptarget --> Registering RTL omptarget.rtl.opencl.dll supporting 1 devices!
Libomptarget --> RTLs loaded!
Target OPENCL RTL --> Target binary is VALID
Libomptarget --> Image 0x00007ff7a1365000 is compatible with RTL omptarget.rtl.opencl.dll!
Libomptarget --> RTL 0x00007ffb15ec0000 has index 0!
Libomptarget --> Registering image 0x00007ff7a1365000 with RTL omptarget.rtl.opencl.dll!
Libomptarget --> Done registering entries!
Libomptarget --> Call to omp_get_num_devices returning 1
Libomptarget --> Default TARGET OFFLOAD policy is now mandatory (devices were found)
Libomptarget --> Entering target region with entry point 0x00007ff7a13235e8 and device Id -1
Libomptarget --> Checking whether device 0 is ready.
Libomptarget --> Is the device 0 (local ID 0) initialized? 0
Target OPENCL RTL --> Initialize requires flags to 0
Target OPENCL RTL --> Initialize OpenCL device
Target OPENCL RTL --> Getting extensions for device 0
Target OPENCL RTL --> Device extensions: cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_icd cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_intel_subgroups cl_intel_required_subgroup_size cl_intel_subgroups_short cl_khr_spir cl_intel_accelerator cl_intel_driver_diagnostics cl_khr_priority_hints cl_khr_throttle_hints cl_khr_create_command_queue cl_intel_subgroups_char cl_intel_subgroups_long cl_khr_il_program cl_intel_mem_force_host_memory cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_subgroups cl_intel_spirv_device_side_avc_motion_estimation cl_intel_spirv_media_block_io cl_intel_spirv_subgroups cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration cl_intel_unified_shared_memory_preview cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes cl_intel_planar_yuv cl_intel_packed_yuv cl_intel_motion_estimation cl_intel_device_side_avc_motion_estimation cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_intel_media_block_io cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing cl_intel_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_intel_d3d11_nv12_media_sharing cl_intel_unified_sharing cl_intel_simultaneous_sharing 
Target OPENCL RTL --> Extension clHostMemAllocINTEL enabled.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Extension clSharedMemAllocINTEL enabled.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Extension clMemFreeINTEL enabled.
Libomptarget --> Device 0 is ready to use.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Device 0: load binary from 0x00007ff7a1365000 image
Target OPENCL RTL --> Expecting to have 1 entries defined.
Target OPENCL RTL --> OpenCL compilation options: -cl-std=CL2.0 
Target OPENCL RTL --> OpenCL linking options: 
Target OPENCL RTL --> Successfully linked program.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Looking up device global variable '__omp_offloading_entries_table_size' of size 8 bytes on device 0.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Global variable lookup succeeded.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Looking up device global variable '__omp_offloading_entries_table' of size 40 bytes on device 0.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Global variable lookup succeeded.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Device offload table loaded:
Target OPENCL RTL --> 	0:	__omp_offloading_7247eb74_81959_MAIN___l26
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel 0: Name = __omp_offloading_7247eb74_81959_MAIN___l26, NumArgs = 13
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  0: QNCA_a0$$rank2$.1* MAIN$C2052
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  1: QNCA_a0$$rank2$.1* MAIN$A2053
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  2: QNCA_a0$$rank2$.1* MAIN$B2054
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  3: long .val2056.zext
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  4: long .val2059.zext
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  5: long .val2062.zext
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  6: long .val2065.zext
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  7: long .val2068.zext
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  8: long .val2071.zext
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg  9: long .val2074.zext
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg 10: long .val2077.zext
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg 11: long .val2080.zext
Target OPENCL RTL -->   Arg 12: long .val2083.zext
Libomptarget --> Entry  0: Base=0x00007ff7a1340060, Begin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96, Type=0x20
Libomptarget --> Entry  1: Base=0x00007ff7a1340060, Begin=0x0000025410a5e200, Size=65536, Type=0x1000000000013
Libomptarget --> Entry  2: Base=0x00007ff7a1340060, Begin=0x00007ff7a1340068, Size=88, Type=0x1000000000001
Libomptarget --> Entry  3: Base=0x00007ff7a1340120, Begin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96, Type=0x20
Libomptarget --> Entry  4: Base=0x00007ff7a1340120, Begin=0x0000025410a3a180, Size=65536, Type=0x4000000000011
Libomptarget --> Entry  5: Base=0x00007ff7a1340120, Begin=0x00007ff7a1340128, Size=88, Type=0x4000000000001
Libomptarget --> Entry  6: Base=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Begin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96, Type=0x20
Libomptarget --> Entry  7: Base=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Begin=0x0000025410a4c1c0, Size=65536, Type=0x7000000000011
Libomptarget --> Entry  8: Base=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Begin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, Size=88, Type=0x7000000000001
Libomptarget --> Entry  9: Base=0x0000000000000080, Begin=0x0000000000000080, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 10: Base=0x0000000000000000, Begin=0x0000000000000000, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 11: Base=0x0000000000000000, Begin=0x0000000000000000, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 12: Base=0x0000000000000001, Begin=0x0000000000000001, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 13: Base=0x0000000000000000, Begin=0x0000000000000000, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 14: Base=0x0000000000000000, Begin=0x0000000000000000, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 15: Base=0x000000000000007f, Begin=0x000000000000007f, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 16: Base=0x0000000000000001, Begin=0x0000000000000001, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 17: Base=0x0000000000000080, Begin=0x0000000000000080, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 18: Base=0x0000000000000001, Begin=0x0000000000000001, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 19: Base=0x000000ab9e6ff560, Begin=0x000000ab9e6ff560, Size=32, Type=0x800
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96)...
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a1340060 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Created base buffer 0x000002541cad0000 during data alloc
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x00007ff7a1340060, HstBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, HstEnd=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtBegin=0x000002541cad0000
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cad0000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Has a pointer entry: 
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=8)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cad0000, Size=8, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 8 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cad0000 - is not new
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a5e200, Size=65536)...
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x0000025410a5e200 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Created base buffer 0x000002541cae0000 during data alloc
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x0000025410a5e200, HstBegin=0x0000025410a5e200, HstEnd=0x0000025410a6e200, TgtBegin=0x000002541cae0000
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cae0000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Moving 65536 bytes (hst:0x0000025410a5e200) -> (tgt:0x000002541cae0000)
Libomptarget --> Update pointer (0x000002541cad0000) -> [0x000002541cae0000]
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340068, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340068, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cad0008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cad0008 - is not new
Libomptarget --> DeviceTy::getMapEntry: requested entry found
Libomptarget --> Moving 88 bytes (hst:0x00007ff7a1340068) -> (tgt:0x000002541cad0008)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96)...
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a1340120 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Created base buffer 0x000002541caf0000 during data alloc
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x00007ff7a1340120, HstBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, HstEnd=0x00007ff7a1340180, TgtBegin=0x000002541caf0000
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541caf0000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Has a pointer entry: 
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=8)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541caf0000, Size=8, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 8 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541caf0000 - is not new
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a3a180, Size=65536)...
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x0000025410a3a180 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Created base buffer 0x000002541cb00000 during data alloc
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x0000025410a3a180, HstBegin=0x0000025410a3a180, HstEnd=0x0000025410a4a180, TgtBegin=0x000002541cb00000
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb00000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Moving 65536 bytes (hst:0x0000025410a3a180) -> (tgt:0x000002541cb00000)
Libomptarget --> Update pointer (0x000002541caf0000) -> [0x000002541cb00000]
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340128, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340128, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541caf0008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541caf0008 - is not new
Libomptarget --> DeviceTy::getMapEntry: requested entry found
Libomptarget --> Moving 88 bytes (hst:0x00007ff7a1340128) -> (tgt:0x000002541caf0008)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96)...
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a13400c0 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Created base buffer 0x000002541cb10000 during data alloc
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x00007ff7a13400c0, HstBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, HstEnd=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtBegin=0x000002541cb10000
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb10000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Has a pointer entry: 
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=8)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb10000, Size=8, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 8 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb10000 - is not new
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a4c1c0, Size=65536)...
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x0000025410a4c1c0 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Created base buffer 0x000002541cb20000 during data alloc
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x0000025410a4c1c0, HstBegin=0x0000025410a4c1c0, HstEnd=0x0000025410a5c1c0, TgtBegin=0x000002541cb20000
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb20000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Moving 65536 bytes (hst:0x0000025410a4c1c0) -> (tgt:0x000002541cb20000)
Libomptarget --> Update pointer (0x000002541cb10000) -> [0x000002541cb20000]
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb10008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb10008 - is not new
Libomptarget --> DeviceTy::getMapEntry: requested entry found
Libomptarget --> Moving 88 bytes (hst:0x00007ff7a13400c8) -> (tgt:0x000002541cb10008)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000000ab9e6ff560, Size=32)...
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x000000ab9e6ff560 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Created base buffer 0x000002541cb30000 during data alloc
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x000000ab9e6ff560, HstBegin=0x000000ab9e6ff560, HstEnd=0x000000ab9e6ff580, TgtBegin=0x000002541cb30000
Libomptarget --> There are 32 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb30000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cad0000, Size=96, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> Obtained target argument (Begin: 0x000002541cad0000, Offset: 0) from host pointer 0x00007ff7a1340060
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541caf0000, Size=96, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> Obtained target argument (Begin: 0x000002541caf0000, Offset: 0) from host pointer 0x00007ff7a1340120
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb10000, Size=96, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> Obtained target argument (Begin: 0x000002541cb10000, Offset: 0) from host pointer 0x00007ff7a13400c0
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000080 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000000 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000000 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000001 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000000 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000000 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x000000000000007f to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000001 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000080 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000001 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Launching target execution __omp_offloading_7247eb74_81959_MAIN___l26 with pointer 0x0000025416559d90 (index=0).
Libomptarget --> Manifesting shadow target pointers:
Libomptarget --> 	HstPtrAddr=0x00007ff7a1340060, HstPtrVal=0x0000025410a5e200, TgtPtrAddr=0x000002541cad0000, TgtPtrVal=0x000002541cae0000
Libomptarget --> 	HstPtrAddr=0x00007ff7a13400c0, HstPtrVal=0x0000025410a4c1c0, TgtPtrAddr=0x000002541cb10000, TgtPtrVal=0x000002541cb20000
Libomptarget --> 	HstPtrAddr=0x00007ff7a1340120, HstPtrVal=0x0000025410a3a180, TgtPtrAddr=0x000002541caf0000, TgtPtrVal=0x000002541cb00000
Libomptarget --> Manifesting used target pointers:
Target OPENCL RTL --> Stashing 3 implicit arguments for kernel 0x0000025416559d90
Target OPENCL RTL --> Assumed kernel SIMD width is 32
Target OPENCL RTL --> Level 0: Lb = 0, Ub = 127, Stride = 1
Target OPENCL RTL --> Global work size = (128, 1, 1)
Target OPENCL RTL --> Local work size = (32, 1, 1)
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Pointer Arg 0 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Pointer Arg 1 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Pointer Arg 2 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 3 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 4 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 5 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 6 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 7 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 8 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 9 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 10 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 11 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Kernel Scalar Arg 12 set successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Calling clSetKernelExecInfo to pass 3 implicit SVM arguments to kernel 0x0000025416559d90
Target OPENCL RTL --> Started executing kernel.
Target OPENCL RTL --> Successfully finished kernel execution.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000000ab9e6ff560, Size=32)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x000000ab9e6ff560, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb30000, Size=32, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 32 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb30000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb10008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb10008 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a4c1c0, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a4c1c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb20000, Size=65536, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb20000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb10000, Size=96, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb10000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Removing shadow pointer 0x00007ff7a13400c0
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340128, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340128, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541caf0008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541caf0008 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a3a180, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a3a180, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb00000, Size=65536, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cb00000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541caf0000, Size=96, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541caf0000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Removing shadow pointer 0x00007ff7a1340120
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340068, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340068, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cad0008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cad0008 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a5e200, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a5e200, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cae0000, Size=65536, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cae0000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Moving 65536 bytes (tgt:0x000002541cae0000) -> (hst:0x0000025410a5e200)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cad0000, Size=96, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002541cad0000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Removing shadow pointer 0x00007ff7a1340060
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x000000ab9e6ff560 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000000ab9e6ff560, Size=32)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002541cb30000 of size 32
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002541cb30000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x000000ab9e6ff560, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb30000, Size=32
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x0000025410a4c1c0 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a4c1c0, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002541cb20000 of size 65536
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002541cb20000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a4c1c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb20000, Size=65536
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a13400c0 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002541cb10000 of size 96
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002541cb10000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb10000, Size=96
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x0000025410a3a180 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a3a180, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002541cb00000 of size 65536
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002541cb00000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a3a180, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cb00000, Size=65536
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a1340120 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002541caf0000 of size 96
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002541caf0000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541caf0000, Size=96
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x0000025410a5e200 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a5e200, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002541cae0000 of size 65536
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002541cae0000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x0000025410a5e200, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cae0000, Size=65536
Target OPENCL RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a1340060 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002541cad0000 of size 96
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002541cad0000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002541cad0000, Size=96
Libomptarget --> Unloading target library!
Target OPENCL RTL --> Target binary is VALID
Libomptarget --> Image 0x00007ff7a1365000 is compatible with RTL 0x00007ffb15ec0000!
Libomptarget --> Unregistered image 0x00007ff7a1365000 from RTL 0x00007ffb15ec0000!
Libomptarget --> Done unregistering images!
Libomptarget --> Removing translation table for descriptor 0x00007ff7a1363000
Libomptarget --> Done unregistering library!
LIBOMPTARGET_PROFILE for OMP DEVICE(0) Intel(R) HD Graphics P630, Thread 0
-- Name:	Host Time (msec)	Device Time (msec)
-- Compiling:	2.845	2.848
-- DATA-READ:	1.544	1.538
-- DATA-WRITE:	0.204	0.228
-- EXEC-__omp_offloading_7247eb74_81959_MAIN___l26:	45.290	44.519
-- Linking:	6332.232	6306.905
-- Offload entries init:	3.081	3.069
-- Total:	6385.197	6359.107
Target OPENCL RTL --> Closed RTL successfully
Target OPENCL RTL --> Deinit OpenCL plugin!
Libomptarget --> Deinit target library!



.\matmul.exe 128
Libomptarget --> TargetOffloadPolicy = DEFAULT
Libomptarget --> Initialized OMPT
Libomptarget --> Loading RTLs...
Libomptarget --> Checking user-specified plugin 'omptarget.rtl.level0.dll'...
Libomptarget --> Loading library 'omptarget.rtl.level0.dll'...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Target device type is set to GPU
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> omp_get_thread_limit() returned 2147483647
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> omp_get_max_teams() returned 0
Libomptarget --> Successfully loaded library 'omptarget.rtl.level0.dll'!
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_alloc_base
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_alloc_user
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_alloc_explicit
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_alloc_managed
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_delete_managed
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_submit_nowait
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_data_retrieve_nowait
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_create_buffer
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_release_buffer
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_create_offload_queue
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_release_offload_queue
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_get_platform_handle
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_get_device_handle
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_init_ompt
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_is_managed_ptr
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_manifest_data_for_region
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_nd_region
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_run_target_region_nowait
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_region_nowait
Libomptarget --> Optional interface: __tgt_rtl_run_target_team_nd_region_nowait
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Looking for Level0 devices...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Initialized L0, API 65536
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Found 1 driver(s)!
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Found a GPU device, Name = Intel(R) Graphics Gen9 [0x591d]
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Found 1 available devices.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Initialized OMPT
Libomptarget --> Registering RTL omptarget.rtl.level0.dll supporting 1 devices!
Libomptarget --> RTLs loaded!
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Target binary is VALID
Libomptarget --> Image 0x00007ff7a1365000 is compatible with RTL omptarget.rtl.level0.dll!
Libomptarget --> RTL 0x00007ffb166f0000 has index 0!
Libomptarget --> Registering image 0x00007ff7a1365000 with RTL omptarget.rtl.level0.dll!
Libomptarget --> Done registering entries!
Libomptarget --> Call to omp_get_num_devices returning 1
Libomptarget --> Default TARGET OFFLOAD policy is now mandatory (devices were found)
Libomptarget --> Entering target region with entry point 0x00007ff7a13235e8 and device Id -1
Libomptarget --> Checking whether device 0 is ready.
Libomptarget --> Is the device 0 (local ID 0) initialized? 0
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Initialize requires flags to 0
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Initialized Level0 device 0
Libomptarget --> Device 0 is ready to use.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Device 0: Loading binary from 0x00007ff7a1365000
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Expecting to have 1 entries defined
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Module compilation options: -cl-std=CL2.0 
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Looking up device global variable '__omp_offloading_entries_table_size' of size 8 bytes on device 0.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Warning: requested size 8 does not match 0
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Global variable lookup succeeded.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 8 bytes (tgt:0x000002da2a480058) -> (hst:0x000000f6d2b1ee18)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Looking up device global variable '__omp_offloading_entries_table' of size 40 bytes on device 0.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Warning: requested size 40 does not match 0
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Global variable lookup succeeded.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 40 bytes (tgt:0x000002da2a480030) -> (hst:0x000002da23ab9480)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 43 bytes (tgt:0x000002da2a480000) -> (hst:0x000002da237237e0)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Device offload table loaded:
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> 	0:	__omp_offloading_7247eb74_81959_MAIN___l26
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel 0: Entry = 0x00007ff7a13235e8, Name = __omp_offloading_7247eb74_81959_MAIN___l26, NumArgs = 13, Handle = 0x000002da22210840
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated a shared memory object 0x000002da2a490000
Libomptarget --> Entry  0: Base=0x00007ff7a1340060, Begin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96, Type=0x20
Libomptarget --> Entry  1: Base=0x00007ff7a1340060, Begin=0x000002da1e80e200, Size=65536, Type=0x1000000000013
Libomptarget --> Entry  2: Base=0x00007ff7a1340060, Begin=0x00007ff7a1340068, Size=88, Type=0x1000000000001
Libomptarget --> Entry  3: Base=0x00007ff7a1340120, Begin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96, Type=0x20
Libomptarget --> Entry  4: Base=0x00007ff7a1340120, Begin=0x000002da1e7ea180, Size=65536, Type=0x4000000000011
Libomptarget --> Entry  5: Base=0x00007ff7a1340120, Begin=0x00007ff7a1340128, Size=88, Type=0x4000000000001
Libomptarget --> Entry  6: Base=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Begin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96, Type=0x20
Libomptarget --> Entry  7: Base=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Begin=0x000002da1e7fc1c0, Size=65536, Type=0x7000000000011
Libomptarget --> Entry  8: Base=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Begin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, Size=88, Type=0x7000000000001
Libomptarget --> Entry  9: Base=0x0000000000000080, Begin=0x0000000000000080, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 10: Base=0x0000000000000000, Begin=0x0000000000000000, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 11: Base=0x0000000000000000, Begin=0x0000000000000000, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 12: Base=0x0000000000000001, Begin=0x0000000000000001, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 13: Base=0x0000000000000000, Begin=0x0000000000000000, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 14: Base=0x0000000000000000, Begin=0x0000000000000000, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 15: Base=0x000000000000007f, Begin=0x000000000000007f, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 16: Base=0x0000000000000001, Begin=0x0000000000000001, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 17: Base=0x0000000000000080, Begin=0x0000000000000080, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 18: Base=0x0000000000000001, Begin=0x0000000000000001, Size=0, Type=0x120
Libomptarget --> Entry 19: Base=0x000000f6d2b1f570, Begin=0x000000f6d2b1f570, Size=32, Type=0x800
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96)...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a1340060 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated a shared memory object 0x000002da2a490000
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated target memory 0x000002da2a490000 (Base: 0x000002da2a490000, Size: 65536) for host ptr 0x00007ff7a1340060
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x00007ff7a1340060, HstBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, HstEnd=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtBegin=0x000002da2a490000
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a490000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Has a pointer entry: 
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=8)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a490000, Size=8, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 8 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a490000 - is not new
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e80e200, Size=65536)...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x000002da1e80e200 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated a shared memory object 0x000002da2a4a0000
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated target memory 0x000002da2a4a0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4a0000, Size: 65536) for host ptr 0x000002da1e80e200
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x000002da1e80e200, HstBegin=0x000002da1e80e200, HstEnd=0x000002da1e81e200, TgtBegin=0x000002da2a4a0000
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4a0000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Moving 65536 bytes (hst:0x000002da1e80e200) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4a0000)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 65536 bytes (hst:0x000002da1e80e200) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4a0000)
Libomptarget --> Update pointer (0x000002da2a490000) -> [0x000002da2a4a0000]
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 8 bytes (hst:0x000000f6d2b1f020) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a490000)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340068, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340068, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a490008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a490008 - is not new
Libomptarget --> DeviceTy::getMapEntry: requested entry found
Libomptarget --> Moving 88 bytes (hst:0x00007ff7a1340068) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a490008)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 88 bytes (hst:0x00007ff7a1340068) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a490008)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96)...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a1340120 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated a shared memory object 0x000002da2a4b0000
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated target memory 0x000002da2a4b0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4b0000, Size: 65536) for host ptr 0x00007ff7a1340120
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x00007ff7a1340120, HstBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, HstEnd=0x00007ff7a1340180, TgtBegin=0x000002da2a4b0000
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4b0000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Has a pointer entry: 
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=8)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4b0000, Size=8, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 8 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4b0000 - is not new
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7ea180, Size=65536)...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x000002da1e7ea180 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated a shared memory object 0x000002da2a4c0000
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated target memory 0x000002da2a4c0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4c0000, Size: 65536) for host ptr 0x000002da1e7ea180
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x000002da1e7ea180, HstBegin=0x000002da1e7ea180, HstEnd=0x000002da1e7fa180, TgtBegin=0x000002da2a4c0000
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4c0000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Moving 65536 bytes (hst:0x000002da1e7ea180) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4c0000)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 65536 bytes (hst:0x000002da1e7ea180) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4c0000)
Libomptarget --> Update pointer (0x000002da2a4b0000) -> [0x000002da2a4c0000]
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 8 bytes (hst:0x000000f6d2b1f020) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4b0000)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340128, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340128, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4b0008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4b0008 - is not new
Libomptarget --> DeviceTy::getMapEntry: requested entry found
Libomptarget --> Moving 88 bytes (hst:0x00007ff7a1340128) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4b0008)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 88 bytes (hst:0x00007ff7a1340128) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4b0008)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96)...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a13400c0 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated a shared memory object 0x000002da2a4d0000
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated target memory 0x000002da2a4d0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4d0000, Size: 65536) for host ptr 0x00007ff7a13400c0
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x00007ff7a13400c0, HstBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, HstEnd=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtBegin=0x000002da2a4d0000
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4d0000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Has a pointer entry: 
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=8)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4d0000, Size=8, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 8 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4d0000 - is not new
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7fc1c0, Size=65536)...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x000002da1e7fc1c0 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated a shared memory object 0x000002da2a4e0000
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated target memory 0x000002da2a4e0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4e0000, Size: 65536) for host ptr 0x000002da1e7fc1c0
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x000002da1e7fc1c0, HstBegin=0x000002da1e7fc1c0, HstEnd=0x000002da1e80c1c0, TgtBegin=0x000002da2a4e0000
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4e0000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Moving 65536 bytes (hst:0x000002da1e7fc1c0) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4e0000)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 65536 bytes (hst:0x000002da1e7fc1c0) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4e0000)
Libomptarget --> Update pointer (0x000002da2a4d0000) -> [0x000002da2a4e0000]
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 8 bytes (hst:0x000000f6d2b1f020) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4d0000)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4d0008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4d0008 - is not new
Libomptarget --> DeviceTy::getMapEntry: requested entry found
Libomptarget --> Moving 88 bytes (hst:0x00007ff7a13400c8) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4d0008)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 88 bytes (hst:0x00007ff7a13400c8) -> (tgt:0x000002da2a4d0008)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000000f6d2b1f570, Size=32)...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x000000f6d2b1f570 is not a managed memory pointer.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated a shared memory object 0x000002da2a4f0000
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Allocated target memory 0x000002da2a4f0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4f0000, Size: 65536) for host ptr 0x000000f6d2b1f570
Libomptarget --> Creating new map entry: HstBase=0x000000f6d2b1f570, HstBegin=0x000000f6d2b1f570, HstEnd=0x000000f6d2b1f590, TgtBegin=0x000002da2a4f0000
Libomptarget --> There are 32 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4f0000 - is new
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a490000, Size=96, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> Obtained target argument (Begin: 0x000002da2a490000, Offset: 0) from host pointer 0x00007ff7a1340060
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4b0000, Size=96, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> Obtained target argument (Begin: 0x000002da2a4b0000, Offset: 0) from host pointer 0x00007ff7a1340120
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4d0000, Size=96, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> Obtained target argument (Begin: 0x000002da2a4d0000, Offset: 0) from host pointer 0x00007ff7a13400c0
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000080 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000000 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000000 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000001 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000000 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000000 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x000000000000007f to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000001 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000080 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Forwarding first-private value 0x0000000000000001 to the target construct
Libomptarget --> Launching target execution __omp_offloading_7247eb74_81959_MAIN___l26 with pointer 0x000002da23bc8730 (index=0).
Libomptarget --> Manifesting shadow target pointers:
Libomptarget --> 	HstPtrAddr=0x00007ff7a1340060, HstPtrVal=0x000002da1e80e200, TgtPtrAddr=0x000002da2a490000, TgtPtrVal=0x000002da2a4a0000
Libomptarget --> 	HstPtrAddr=0x00007ff7a13400c0, HstPtrVal=0x000002da1e7fc1c0, TgtPtrAddr=0x000002da2a4d0000, TgtPtrVal=0x000002da2a4e0000
Libomptarget --> 	HstPtrAddr=0x00007ff7a1340120, HstPtrVal=0x000002da1e7ea180, TgtPtrAddr=0x000002da2a4b0000, TgtPtrVal=0x000002da2a4c0000
Libomptarget --> Manifesting used target pointers:
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Executing a kernel 0x000002da23bc8730...
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 0 (value: 0x000002da2a490000) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 1 (value: 0x000002da2a4b0000) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 2 (value: 0x000002da2a4d0000) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 3 (value: 0x0000000000000080) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 4 (value: 0x0000000000000000) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 5 (value: 0x0000000000000000) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 6 (value: 0x0000000000000001) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 7 (value: 0x0000000000000000) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 8 (value: 0x0000000000000000) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 9 (value: 0x000000000000007f) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 10 (value: 0x0000000000000001) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 11 (value: 0x0000000000000080) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Kernel argument 12 (value: 0x0000000000000001) was set successfully
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Assumed kernel SIMD width is 32
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Level 0: Lb = 0, Ub = 127, Stride = 1
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Group sizes = {32, 1, 1}
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Group counts = {4, 1, 1}
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Executed a kernel 0x000002da23bc8730
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000000f6d2b1f570, Size=32)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x000000f6d2b1f570, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4f0000, Size=32, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 32 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4f0000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c8, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4d0008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4d0008 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7fc1c0, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7fc1c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4e0000, Size=65536, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4e0000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4d0000, Size=96, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4d0000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Removing shadow pointer 0x00007ff7a13400c0
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340128, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340128, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4b0008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4b0008 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7ea180, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7ea180, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4c0000, Size=65536, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4c0000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4b0000, Size=96, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4b0000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Removing shadow pointer 0x00007ff7a1340120
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340068, Size=88)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340068, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a490008, Size=88, RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 88 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a490008 - is last
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e80e200, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e80e200, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4a0000, Size=65536, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 65536 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a4a0000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Moving 65536 bytes (tgt:0x000002da2a4a0000) -> (hst:0x000002da1e80e200)
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Copied 65536 bytes (tgt:0x000002da2a4a0000) -> (hst:0x000002da1e80e200)
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Mapping exists with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a490000, Size=96, updated RefCount=1
Libomptarget --> There are 96 bytes allocated at target address 0x000002da2a490000 - is last
Libomptarget --> Removing shadow pointer 0x00007ff7a1340060
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x000000f6d2b1f570 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000000f6d2b1f570, Size=32)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002da2a4f0000 of size 32
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002da2a4f0000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Deleted device memory 0x000002da2a4f0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4f0000, Size: 65536)
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x000000f6d2b1f570, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4f0000, Size=32
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x000002da1e7fc1c0 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7fc1c0, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002da2a4e0000 of size 65536
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002da2a4e0000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Deleted device memory 0x000002da2a4e0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4e0000, Size: 65536)
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7fc1c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4e0000, Size=65536
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a13400c0 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002da2a4d0000 of size 96
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002da2a4d0000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Deleted device memory 0x000002da2a4d0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4d0000, Size: 65536)
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a13400c0, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4d0000, Size=96
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x000002da1e7ea180 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7ea180, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002da2a4c0000 of size 65536
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002da2a4c0000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Deleted device memory 0x000002da2a4c0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4c0000, Size: 65536)
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e7ea180, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4c0000, Size=65536
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a1340120 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002da2a4b0000 of size 96
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002da2a4b0000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Deleted device memory 0x000002da2a4b0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4b0000, Size: 65536)
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340120, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4b0000, Size=96
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x000002da1e80e200 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e80e200, Size=65536)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002da2a4a0000 of size 65536
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002da2a4a0000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Deleted device memory 0x000002da2a4a0000 (Base: 0x000002da2a4a0000, Size: 65536)
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x000002da1e80e200, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a4a0000, Size=65536
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Ptr 0x00007ff7a1340060 is not a managed memory pointer.
Libomptarget --> Looking up mapping(HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, Size=96)...
Libomptarget --> Deleting tgt data 0x000002da2a490000 of size 96
Libomptarget --> MemoryManagerTy::free: target memory 0x000002da2a490000.
Libomptarget --> Cannot find its node. Delete it on device directly.
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Deleted device memory 0x000002da2a490000 (Base: 0x000002da2a490000, Size: 65536)
Libomptarget --> Removing mapping with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ff7a1340060, TgtPtrBegin=0x000002da2a490000, Size=96
Libomptarget --> Unloading target library!
Target LEVEL0 RTL --> Target binary is VALID
Libomptarget --> Image 0x00007ff7a1365000 is compatible with RTL 0x00007ffb166f0000!
Libomptarget --> Unregistered image 0x00007ff7a1365000 from RTL 0x00007ffb166f0000!
Libomptarget --> Done unregistering images!
Libomptarget --> Removing translation table for descriptor 0x00007ff7a1363000
Libomptarget --> Done unregistering library!


0 Kudos

Thank you for the debug information. I am now able to duplicate the problem with printing the profile information. I filed a bug, CMPLRLLVM-25453.

I also filed a bug regarding all those warning (useless) messages produced by the compiler, CMPLRLLVM-25454.

I'll let you know the progress to a fix for these.

0 Kudos

oneAPI 2021.2 was released at the beginning of the month.  Both of the issues you reported have been fixed: the extraneous messages and getting the profile information.

Be aware that the environment variable to set to get the profile information has been changed to "LIBOMPTARGET_PLUGIN_PROFILE". 

Please try the latest compiler and let me know how it works for you.


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Getting the profile information: Fixed

The extraneous messages: Not fixed, I still get those messages:

ifx /Qiopenmp /Qopenmp-targets=spir64 /O3 matmul.f90
Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.2.0 Beta Build 20210317
Copyright (C) 1985-2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.28.29913.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

938084.obj : warning LNK4078: multiple '__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__openmp-s' sections found with different attributes (40100800)
938084.obj : warning LNK4078: multiple '__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE_SIZE__ope' sections found with different attributes (40100800)


0 Kudos

Well, actually, it's a partial fix for the extraneous error messages.  Originally you reported extra error messages from ifx and from the MS Linker.  The ifx messages are gone.  

What is your concern?


0 Kudos
New Contributor I
0 Kudos