Intel® Optane™ Memory
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Can't Load Optane UI

1,873 조회수

I'm running Windows 10 Build 1703. Initially I was able to run the Optane UI and Enable it, but now when I right click on the Optane UI in the system tray and choose "Open Intel Optane Memory Application" nothing loads after choosing "Yes" to allow the app to make changes. I've tried running the install to repair it and it still will not load.

0 포인트
2 응답
574 조회수

Hello Rexfelis,



We understand that your Intel® Optane™ UI is no longer loading after you try to open it.



This is not normal and we have not seen this before; However, we would like you to please try booting your system into safe mode, here are some instructions on how to do this. (Go to the link and click "From Settings").



Once you enter safe mode, please try to open the application from there and if it loads fine, disable the acceleration, so we can re-install the program.



If it does not open, please provide us the logs from this location: C:\Users\Yourusername\Intel\Logs (Please use the advanced editor option to attach the files)



At the same time, please include your computer's specs, you can use this utility and attach the file.





Nestor C
0 포인트
574 조회수

Hello Rexfelis,



We'd like to know if you read our previous post and if our suggestions were helpful for you to resolve this situation.



We'll be waiting for your response.





Nestor C
0 포인트