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1370 Discussions

Can't load windows 10 after disabling intel optane on my pc

Can't load windows 10 after trying to disable optane
Hi all. I hope someone can help me as i have no backup or windows recovery point available.
So it all started when i saw my dell insperion 7391 2n1 was running slow while playing a game thats usually smooth... ive decided to check the cpu and memory consumption and i saw that intel optane takes 15-25 cpu and ram.
I opened the optane application and i got a systems message Saying that i can run my computer faster if i disable and re enable optane in profomance mode but after clicking disable and while it was loading my pc shut down with no seen reason... now windows wont load and even the dell applications installed won't assist with anything... both startup repair and safe mode not working... any ideas how to resolve this and restore my windows?
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13 Replies
Hi all its me who opened this thread... so quick update- i found this online so i checked my bios and it was on intel rts - i guess the meaning is that optane was not successfuly shut down. I tried and switched to ACHI and back to RTS but still same result - windows not loading - sys massage on windows loading screen says "preparing automatic repair" then massage says " diagnosing your pc and than blue screen saying automatic repair couldn't repair your pc.

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Hello Helpme1,


Thank you for contacting Intel® Memory and Storage support.


As we understand, you need assistance with your PC with Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 with Solid State Storage. If we infer correctly, we will appreciate it if you can review the following information:


1- Please contact your OEM (original equipment manufacturer) DELL* and check your BIOS settings. We recommend you get further assistance on how to re-activate the Optane acceleration or in how to reinstall your OS from them.


2- Based on the Inspiron 7391 2n1 Setup and Specifications we see that your PC came pre-installed with the Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 with Solid State Storage (Intel® Optane™ Memory 32GB + Intel® QLC 3D NAND SSD 512GB, M.2 80mm PCIe 3.0) from DELL*.


Please consider that the OEM creates and modifies their solution to fit their needs, and they have their list of compatible hardware and features that sometimes are different from our list. For example, there are cases that some of the OEMs allow the usage of the Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 in one mode but not the other, and modifying this can cause an issue with the booting process or damage the OS.


Please, contact Dell* to check if they can help you to recover your OS or, if necessary, to send your PC to a repair center.


We will follow up with you again the next Wednesday, the 3rd of February 2021, if we do not receive an answer from you. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a different date for the follow-up.


Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

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Hello Helpme1,


Greetings from; Intel® Memory and Storage support.


We were reviewing your community thread, which is related to your Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 with Solid State Storage. We would like to know if you were able to check our previous post.


We will follow up with you again the next Friday, the 5th of February 2021, if we do not receive an answer from you. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a different date for the follow-up.


Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

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Hi Josh. First of all thank you for your help. 

I did contact dell but and thier response was that my basic warranty doesn't cover os system recovery and its only for defective hardware(dell on board sys hardware scans didn't find any issues)

I believe that this can happen to anyone  and intel should have thier soft dev and update teams fix this issue - again - the only reason i switched optane off is because the intel optane app showed a message Saying that my system can run faster! Before i tried to disable it there was a check box available if i want to "safely remove my dvice and use it somewhere else" so obviously i didn't check this option...

I would appreciate any assistance or referencing and guiding me through the process of recovering my os as it wasn't backed up and my scholl and work projects stored there...

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Hello Helpme1,


Thank you for your reply.


As stated by the OEMThe problem you are experiencing seems linked to the Pre-installed OS that came with your PC, which does not boot after you disabled optane acceleration.


It is the first time that we hear about a message recommending disabling the Optane acceleration. This kind of notification could be an OEM feature, but Dell* probably will be able to provide you with more information about it.


We advise you to request technical support related to your BIOS configuration since this problem may fix by using the correct BIOS settings. If not, your most suitable option is to get assistance on how to run the recovery options to bring your system back to factory defaults.


Since this SSD came pre-installed on your Dell* PC, we recommend you contact them to see if they have a paid data recovery service. If they do not offer that option, we advise you to review the Data Recovery Options for Intel® SSDs article (

This article provides a list of companies available to help you with data recovery for your Intel® Solid State Drive. Contact your choice from the companies listed for pricing, services, and terms.



Intel® does not represent these companies nor recommend one over the other. We don't reimburse customers for this service, and we don't guarantee data recovery services.


We will follow up with you again the next Friday, the 5th of February 2021, if we do not receive an answer from you. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a different date for the follow-up.


We hope you find this information helpful.


Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

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So i just want to make this clear - i recived the meassage about optane from the optane application and only after i opened the intel optane app for the first time! The massage said that my sys can run faster if i disable optane and re enable it in profomance mode. I think this will happen to a lot of curious costumers like me if it won't be fixed...

As far for now dell wasnt able to help me and asked me to wait while they are working on a solution... What are my remaning options as i dont want to pay for data recovery and rather do it myself if someone can guide me through the process...
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Hello Helpme1,


Thank you for your reply.


We advise you to continue working with your OEM Dell* to get further assistance related to your PC.


We will not close this thread, and you can still post and share your findings with the community. If you need assistance related to another Intel® product, please do not hesitate to contact us back by opening a new thread, and please submit a new question. We will no longer monitor this thread.


We hope fellow community members have the knowledge to jump in and help.


Best regards,


Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician.

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So quick update for everyone following this.

Dell "advanced software support " team couldn't recover the files with remote support and told me they cant help and i should try professional data recovery services - i want to get thru this without paying hundreds of dollars.

I know that the data is still available and after consulting industry professionals someone pointed that i need to boot with ubuntu live and to try to get into the c drive - he mentioned that even if i have the bitlocker key hes not sure if i can fully recover because bitlocker is enabled.

. I think the full responsibility here is actually on intel so i would ask your manager to step in as my intel ssd drive is still under warranty and the cause for this problem is your optane app system message! it was the optane app that asked me to disable optane if i want to use profomance mode - if this causes immediate shut down of the ssd and corrupts the boot files why would a user will be able to do it through the OS and on the intel optane app?

I will appreciate any help and further assistance and guidance
Super User

The full responsibility for your data belongs to you.

There are many forms of backup, i.e. local USB, portable drive, cloud, etc.  You did none of those.

I do not know what you did with the optane (and I have experience with optane and backups).  However, in my opinion, the responsibility for your data is yours.

Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)

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And I agree, the responsibility for the data is on the user and i could've and should've backed my data but intel cant and shouldn't allow this to happen to any of thier users where they come out of nowhere with a message about running in profomance mode and especially to a user who just opened this app for the first time - this app is accessible for any basic end user and as well the option to disable optane... lets be real and professional here - were talking about elevated privileges here. No basic user should have access to this irreversible action and not only that the user is not being warned about the outcome of his action but on the contrary the user is also being encouraged to take this action...

I would say this again and louder - intels fault !
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Just to back up the OP, it looks like he clicked through instructions that are part of the Intel Optane product itself - please see my screen capture from version 18.0.1017.0.

I had the same problem that he did - the CPU usage somewhere between 15-20% on my Dell Inspiron 7591 2n1. And like him, I wanted to know what I could do to fix it. I was moments away from following the instructions from your app when I saw this post. So THANK YOU to @Helpme1 for posting this question!

Any thoughts on how the CPU usage can be fixed without completely destroying my PC?

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I encountered a similar problem as Helpme1. It's really bad that Intel's optane app just advises you to disable and re-enable when it can cause very serious issues. I also couldn't boot into windows after disabling optane driver at request of intel, and instead my pc booted into an old installation I had on another drive. BIOS wouldn't let me prioritize the, now failing, optane drive to boot from. After disconnecting the secondary drive I can boot into the Optane drive which still has errors, but I can't re-enable normal functionality and the optane app doesn't start up most of the time, or shows errors when it does. Only way to resume optane functionality seems to be when I allow it to wipe the drive, which I can't because it contains my windows installation and everything else.

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Super User

Hi @JR100 

This is an old thread. Please open a new thread. By saying "...but I can't re-enable normal functionality ..." , you mean that Optane is disabled and you can't reenable it? 

In your new thread, in order to get better information about your system, please download the Intel System Support Utility (SSU). Run the SSU scan (check "Everything") and save the results. The .txt file with the results please attach to your post.


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