Intel® Optane™ Memory
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Cannot turn Optane "online"


I've had an ongoing issue with my Intel Optane 32 GB for over 2 weeks now. I had the device installed in a new PC I ordered from CyberPowerPC and it was running fine. 2 weeks ago however my Windows became corrupted because of a bad patch they released and I had to do a complete Operating System reinstall, in order to do so I had to disable the Optane first. After doing so and reinstalling Windows 10 I have tried for long hours and several days talking with their tech support trying to get my Optane working again but it will not. I've looked at numerous guides online trying to get it fixed and couldn't find the answer.

I have the Intel RST installed and the drivers as well (to the best of my knowledge. The device does not show up in this program). However in Disk Management my Optane Drive is being listed as Offline, any attempt to right click the drive and set it to Online is met with a popup saying "The parameter is incorrect". Also oddly enough in Disk Manager it is showing the Optane as having the same drive capacity as my HDD (I should note i am trying to install this on my secondary drive, as it originally was). My SSD is used for my operating system and is connected to an M2 slot so it does not need acceleration (this is how I asked it to be set up when ordering the pc, and like I said I had no problems before).

I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this to turn Online, I was told by CyberPowerPC to try to remove and put the optane back into the same slot, again which I did and it changed nothing. After a week of messaging them for some reason they have stopped replying to me and I haven't heard from them at all last week about my problems with the device and now I am here trying to get assistance. I have also just tried to shrink the drives by 5mb to make sure I have the unallocated space on them but it doesn't seem to have made any difference, and because I am assuming the size is so small I can't even see the change on disk manager.

I have attached a picture of the Diskmanager screen as I try to turn the device online and all other pictures I thought might be relevant, you can also see the odd capacity size on it as well. I will note that my BIOs is also updated with all the current drivers (ASUS Prime Z370-P).

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42 Replies

Hi Ccloudff7,



I understand what you mean, and I know this process has taken more than expected, however the issue is not with the Intel® Optane™ Memory but with the OS you are currently using.



You can go to the place of purchase and ask for a replacement of the module, but it's most likely that the same issue happens again regardless of using another module. Based on your previous description and the pictures attached, the OS version is the root cause of this issue. It won't be possible to setup the Intel® Optane™ Memory if this is not fixed first.



The OS build version you have is the 15063, however the current one is the 17763. There are some features that have been included since then, and probably this issue is happening because there might be a UEFI driver missing in the OS. That would be the reason why you cannot boot once the BIOS setting has been configured to work with the module.



I tried to help you on updating the OS version, however the process ended up in another error. Unfortunately, that error goes beyond of my support scope (as well as the OS installation process). My recommendation would be to contact Microsoft* regarding to the error code you got while trying to install the updated OS version.



On the other hand, if it's possible for you to bring the computer to the place of purchase and let them setup the Intel® Optane™ Memory, I recommend you to do so as they may explain you why you currently cannot configure the BIOS without having the blue screen issue.



From my side, I have tried to help you in all possible ways in order to setup the system correctly so you can use your Intel® Optane™ Memory, but considering that it's not possible to configure the BIOS properly without having the blue screen issue, it'd be recommendable to bring the computer to the place of purchase if that is an option for you.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

I fixed that very last error.I messages about, I contacted Microsoft last night and got it fixed but I haven't tried the fresh install yet. I ordered the PC online so I can't go to the place, its located in California and I'm in Massachusetts, that's why I said it would take over a month to get it fixed, 5 days or more to ship there, there own convenience of when they fix it, then 5 business days back. I'm looking at not having a PC for over a month if I do that.

I will update you again later, I will try to use the USB boot method today.

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Hi Ccloudff7,



I'll be waiting for your updates.



When installing the OS, you have to configure the BIOS in the following way:



SATA Mode Selection: Intel RST Premium…


CSM: Disabled (This will hide other options too, but it's fine).



Please install the OS with only the primary drive connected. Disconnect the secondary drive and the module. Once the OS is installed and you are able to boot with the BIOS settings properly set, you can add again the drive and module.



Remember the 5MB of unallocated space at the end of the primary drive.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

I'm sorry, but as great as it would have been, what you said didn't work. I installed it exactly like you said, thought it was working until I restarted to check the BIOs to make sure. The Intel RTS was set Off after I set it On for the install and CSM was enabled even when I set it to disabled. On top of that, it seems I can only boot from my USB, and doing so starts the Windows install again, for some reason it doesn't look like it got installed to the SSD. Im.thinking windows got installed to the USB somehow, but it was the only option after clearing the disks. I'm trying again and picking the proper disk this time but it says. Windows cannot be installed to.this disk. The selected disk has a MBR partition table and it can only be installed to a GPT disk. How do I clean the disk, and yet select it to be a GPT disk?

OK so after trying again I got it to install on the SSD. Surprisingly when restarting it actually showed like I set it this time too with RTS enabled and CSM off. That's one step down, now I have to try and see if I can get the rest to work.

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Hi Ccloudff7,



Thanks for sharing the updates.



If you got the message about the partition style, it was most likely the reason why you always got the blue screen issue, which is related to the OS version you were using. MBR partition style works only with Legacy mode. When changing to UEFI mode (or disabling Legacy mode which is the same), the drive was not unable to boot because of the compatibility between the partition style and the UEFI mode.



Please keep me informed about your progress. You can confirm which version you have by pressing the Windows key + I to open the Settings window. Then go to System>About and scroll down to see the information of your OS version.





Diego V.


0 Kudos

Well I was extremely hopeful. Downloaded the optane setup. Ran it, had to restart, then Blue Screen again. System Thread exception. I'm stuck in a loop of "trying to repair PC", " Unable to repair PC". I can't boot with RTS on or off.

I've spent over 15 hours of my time trying to get this stupid thing to work.

Is there no phone number I can call for this other then going back and forth waiting for replies?

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Hi Ccloudff7,



Did the issue happened only by installing the Intel® Optane™ Application, or did you connect again the module and the secondary drive?



Could you please disconnect the Intel® Optane™ Memory and just connect the secondary drive? Are you able to boot only with the primary drive and the secondary drive connected (with the CSM setting disabled)?



Please run the Intel® SSU to get the system information and share the file in your next response:



Please also take a new screenshot of Disk Management to see the drive partitions of each drive.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

I installed the application fine. I ran the optane setup program, choose to install the drivers and whatever else it needed. It said a restart was needed. So I restarted (yes at this time I did have the optane connected) As soon as it tried to boot, I got the blue screen, it tried once more, on the third attempt it tried to repair the PC and fail and I'm back at the beginning again.

0 Kudos

It definitely has something to do with the install of the rts or optane program. I've reinstalled yet again, with the optane attached, updated everything, restarted, everything running fine. Install RTS this time, asks me to restart, I do, blue screen with system thread exception again.

So I spoke with CyberPowerPC again. The person I spoke to seems to think I am getting a blue screen because when I try to boot the Optane is trying to attach to the SSD which is in an M.2 slot which it can't accelerate. He said it auto attaches to the SSD drive. He suggested that I start the computer without the SSD connected to her it to attach to the HDD instead. My first attempt did not work but I'll try again. What is your take on this and what do you think, do you have an input or is this something you didn't think of?

Where can I get the Intel® RST Pre-OS UEFI Driver for my motherboard, I've tried to search for it on google but have had no luck, I wonder if that could be the issue.

The blue screen mentions the file iaStorAC.sys do you know what this is, online says it's related to Intel Optane, did I somehow miss a driver install or something? This is the item that shows every time I've had a system thread exception blue screen.

0 Kudos

Hi Ccloudff7,

The Intel® Optane™ Memory doesn't try to pair to a drive automatically. In order to pair the module with a drive, you have to do it manually through the Intel® Optane™ application. On the other hand, if you disconnect your SSD from the computer, and leave only the HDD and the Intel® Optane™ Memory, your computer won't boot as the OS is installed in the SSD which is disconnected from the system. The HDD as far as I have seen in your screenshots, is used only for data storage and it doesn't have any OS installed.

I have investigated about the iaStorAC.sys file and indeed it's related to the Intel® RST driver. Could you please tell me which driver version you are installing, or please share the link where you are downloading the driver from?

Regarding to the Intel® RST Pre-OS UEFI driver, this driver should have been included when you updated your BIOS. You can check which version of the RST Pre-OS UEFI driver you have in your BIOS by going to Advanced\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology. Please check the following picture as a reference:

Which version does you have?

I'll be waiting for your response.

Have a nice day.



Diego V.
0 Kudos

I've installed it from the motherboards webpage, and I think I have installed it from your link as well. I've always run the setup file, there does seem to be another exe file in the pack that downloads as well, I know I've tried to use it before, but from what I can recall at the moment it said something about (32) which I was assuming was for a 32 bit operating system when I have a 64 bit, though I could be mistaken. I haven't seen anything about windows versions related to any of the links and I've wondered why.

0 Kudos

Hi Ccloudff7,



The Intel® Optane™ application is available in this site:



You have to download the SetupOptaneMemory.exe file which is tagged for Windows 10, 64-bit. Installing the application will install the latest RST driver which is



Please confirm which version you are installing and please also confirm the RST Pre-OS UEFI driver version in you BIOS.



Additionally, please run again the Intel® SSU report to have the updated system details of your computer and OS:





Diego V.
0 Kudos

Uh, I don't have that selection in my BIOs, I just looked in Advanced and there is nothing Labeled Intel RTS, I took a screenshot if you want to see.

And what do you mean when I updated my BIOs? I've never done that, like I said this was a pre-built PC. The only thing I've seen to update your BIOs is by flashing it, and it says online that you can destroy your motherboard if you don't know what you are doing, or if you lose power during the flash.

0 Kudos

Hi Ccloudff7,

If you haven't updated the BIOS, please contact your motherboard manufacturer (ASUS*) to get assistance on how to do it:

You mentioned in your first post that the BIOS was updated, so I though you updated it from the beginning:

I have attached a picture of the Diskmanager screen as I try to turn the device online and all other pictures I thought might be relevant, you can also see the odd capacity size on it as well. I will note that my BIOs is also updated with all the current drivers (ASUS Prime Z370-P).

If you don't have the RST Pre-OS UEFI driver in your system, then you won't be able to use the module, and this might explain why you are getting the blue screen after installing the RST driver in the OS.



Diego V.
0 Kudos

Yes the drivers were updated, but the BIOs itself wasn't, I updated the drivers through Windows, to update the BIOs itself that has to be done in the BIOs. I just did it by the way.

I don't see how the Intel RTS couldn't have been on my BIOs, as I don't know if I stated this before, I think I did, but when I first got my PC in the Intel Optane was working fine, and everything was peachy. However, I got a bad update from Microsoft they put out and it corrupted my windows so I had to reinstall, and had to disable the Optane to be able to do that, because with it enabled I was unable to see the drivers to select when trying to reinstall. So I don't how it could have gotten removed if it was in the BIOs. The corruption only affected Windows. I mean there is the On Off button on the front page of my BIOs and its also in my Advanced PCH Controller Menu so I don't see why it wouldn't be in there.

This is where I got my chipset drivers from, as well as the Intel RTS PRIME Z370-P Driver & Tools | Motherboards | ASUS USA

Once again, in the link you provided this is shown:

  • (64bit Operating System) [Optional]:
    • Standalone Intel RST Drivers with Intel Optane™ Memory support
    • May be required during OS installation to detect PCIe* NVMe* drive, refer to system manufacturer documentation or Intel Customer Support

How do I use these, could these possibly help me, it doesn't explain at all on how to use these drivers if I need them during OS install.

0 Kudos

Hi Ccloudff7,



Thank you for the information.



I wasn't aware of the fact that you had the module up and running and the issue started due to a Microsoft* update.



Anyhow, if you cannot find the RST Pre-OS UEFI driver in your BIOS at the location I mentioned above, it's better to contact ASUS* for assistance as this goes beyond of our support scope. ASUS* should be able to guide you through the BIOS menu and confirm if the RST Pre-OS UEFI driver is indeed in your system, of if it's missing, as well as helping you to configure it with the correct settings for the module to work.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

I am still trying things out, but unfortunately they don't seem to know much about the Intel stuff themselves it seems. I spoke with them just recently and yesterday, they sent me some information on how to set up the bios for optane, but it seems like exactly what happens automatically when the optane drive tries to activate. I will try to install the drivers again soon, I'm just getting every finalized and making sure everything is updated before I do so. I'll try to get you my support page again before then and will post it shortly.

No luck same thing, I'm going to reinstall the OS to AHCI again, I don't recall getting the iastorac.sys error nearly as often as I used to before in that mode. It used to install the drivers fine before, back when I couldnt get my optane to turn on.

One other question, erasing the optane/clean it, wont do anything to it will it? I'm going to give it one more go and if I can't get it I'm going to give up and try to get some sort of refund or something instead.

0 Kudos

Hi Ccloudff7,

The driver you require to install from the OS is the one named as SetupOptaneMemory.exe. See the screenshot below for your reference:

The other option that includes a zip file is not required. There is no need either to download the RST driver from the ASUS* website. This .exe file includes what you need, so please install this one.

When you install the application, the drivers will be installed as well. If you have your system configured in AHCI mode, the application should configure the settings for you.

You can also trying cleaning the Intel® Optane™ Memory from any previous data it might have. You can try this before installing the application. In order to do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the command prompt as administrator and run the command diskpart to enter in Diskpart environment.
  2. Once you are in Diskpart, run the command list disk to display all the disks in your system. The Intel® Optane™ Memory should be listed there. Take note of the disk index because we will use it in the next command.
  3. Run the command select disk to select the Intel® Optane™ Memory.
  4. Run the command clean all to start the cleaning process. Make sure you selected the Intel® Optane™ Memory from the previous command because this process will delete all data in the module.

Let me know your results.



Diego V.
0 Kudos

Ok so I'm back in ACHI mode, and I was able to get the Intel RTS program, not the setup one installed, i tried this one because it was theone I used initially, it installed fine after the update. However the Optane isn't showing in the program even though it is online. Also the Optane has full unallocated space even after the install, shouldn't this have something in it? Since the RTS program worked i may then try to uninstall it then try the setup one again.

Arg! I'm stuck again, why wont it let me uninstall the program!

0 Kudos


Sorry, I don't blame anyone for it, but i'm surprised you didn't catch it with all my BIOs photos. So here's how I did it:

My OS is installed on AHCI with CSM Enabled.

After installing the Intel RTS program, I went into the BIOs and made sure the Intel Optane RTS option was set to Enabled.

Under the enabled option was the choices for the RTS Controller Enabled or Disabled.

Since I have 2 M.2 slots, there are 2 columns. 1 is for the slot with the Optane installed, the other is the slot where my SSD is installed.

If you put the M.2 slot (2nd slot in my case) with the SSD slot set to RTS Controlled enabled, the system will not boot since the SSD Drive is not compatable to be controlled by the Optane Memory.

So, you must select the M.2 (slot 1 in my case) with the Optane option to RTS Controlled, and the M.1 slot 2 slot with the SSD to Not Controlled.

When this is done it allows the RTS application to control the Optane memory and assign what it attached to.

It now shows up in my RTS program file and I can enable it on my HDD. I will note that with this layout I was unable to use the OptaneSetup.exe file, when attempting to run it an error was displayed saying that the BIOs settings were incompatible. I HAD to use the Intel RTS program to get it to work.

MY GOD if I had known this I could have solved this ages ago, it is a super quick and simple solution. I appreciate your support in trying to resolve this for me even though it was in vain, but thank you.


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