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1371 Discussions

Optane bug report and observations.

Valued Contributor I

I discovered a bug when enabling Optane when it has been enabled on a different drive before even after correctly disabling it first.

The 2nd time you enable Optane cache everything will appear to work correctly and the OS drive will be accelerated but the statistics tab will report that the memory service is not running and the Intel task to Optimize will be blank.

After 3 rounds of fresh OS installs and what appeared to be successful Optane installs I was still unable to avoid this bug.

I am fortunate enough to have access to several Optane drives so I swapped out the original Optane drive with one that had never been used before and was able to enable Optane fully with no issue, optimize task was created correctly and statistics tab shows last and next optimization.

When researching this error I found an existing thread here so this cannot be an isolated incident:

I was not expecting the fresh Optane drive to fix the issue so I do not have logs saved although it likely would be far more beneficial for Intel engineers to reproduce this fully on their end.

For the record, to reproduce this do the following steps:

Install Windows 10 (with Optane drive attached)

Install Optane cache software (reboot until Optane is fully setup)

Launch Optane app and disable Optane (reboot)

Leave Optane drive installed but replace OS drive

Install Windows 10 on new drive

Install Optane cache software (reboot until Optane is fully setup)

Observe that the statistics tab reports that the memory service is not running

Observe that there is an Intel folder in task scheduler but there is no task listed

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13 Replies

Hi nosirrahx,



Thanks for contacting our support community. We understand your concern regarding the Intel® Optane™ Memory task.



In order to better understand your situation, could you please provide the following information:



*Please provide us with the logs located here: C:\Users\[your user name]\Intel\Logs


*Please download and run the Intel® System Support Utility. Run the scan selecting "Everything." Save this report and upload.


*Please let us know the capacity of your Intel® Optane™ Memory(16GB or 32GB).



We look forward to hearing back from you.





Junior M.


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Valued Contributor I

Please re-read my post, I no longer have a problem as I have solved an Optane bug on my own.

I am reporting the steps that will allow Intel engineers to recreate the same bug, a bug that has been reported by other users.

The bug in question is the statistics tab reporting that the memory service is not running and the optimize task is not created correctly. The cause is re-using an Optane drive even if you correctly disable it before setting it back up.

0 Kudos

Hi nosirrahx,




Sorry for the confusion. We are glad to hear that your situation has been resolved.



We will provide this feedback to the engineering team.



Please let us know if there is something else we can assist you with.





Junior M.
0 Kudos


Could you tell, have уou find solution of the problem?

I get the same problem after re-install Windows 10. Before that all worked correctly.


0 Kudos
Valued Contributor I

Are you using the latest version of the Optane software? Maybe Intel fixed something in the time between when I first reported the problem and today.

On my last Optane build I was not satisfied with the primary drive I had selected to accelerate and was able to disable Optane, switch to a new HDD, install windows and then enable Optane again without issue.

Back when I reported this bug that procedure would have failed.

0 Kudos

yep, i tried to use latest versions optane and RST drivers, but optane memory servise dont want to work

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor I

Sorry to hear that. If I was you I would start a new thread and then link it here so that support can see that your issue is not unique and has existed for quite some time.

0 Kudos

Hi Vasilij83,



Thank you for posting in the Intel communities.



After reading the post and the original comment, I understand that the issue is after re-installing Windows* 10. What I would recommend is to clear the Intel® Optane™ Memory first after enabling it in the newer OS installation.



I haven't tried this, but you can do the following:


  1. Disable the Intel® Optane™ Memory.
  2. Once the module is disabled and de-concatenated from the HDD, go to the command prompt and run Diskpart. It will help us to clear the Intel® Optane™ Memory so that any previous data on it is deleted. Once the module is empty, you can configure it again from scratch.
I haven't tried this, as I said, but hopefully any data from the previous Windows* installation will be deleted with this process so the issue described should be fixed.



Follow these steps in order to run DiskPart:


  1. Open the command prompt as Administrator and type diskpart.
  2. Once in the diskpart environment, run the command list disk. You should see your disks, including the Intel® Optane™ Memory. There is an ID associated to each disk.
  3. Run the command sel disk . Use the ID associated to the Intel® Optane™ Memory.
  4. Then, when the Intel® Optane™ Memory is the selected disk, run the command clean all. This command will delete all data on the disk so make sure you have selected the correct disk.
After the process done, the Intel® Optane™ Memory should be empty and you should be able to configure it again.



Please try this and share here your results.



Have a nice day.





Diego V.
0 Kudos

I did all steps, command prompt tell me that all data on optane was deleted, I restart system and enable optane in Intel RST. Restart again, Optane is working, but servise still dont want to start with error 1053 "The service did not respond in a timely fashion"

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor I

This is the identical bug I reported originally. The steps taken to reset the drive (no matter how low level) have no impact whatsoever.

I do not believe that data on the drive is related to this process failing to reset the drive.

It is far more likely that some variable in the firmware is changed in the first Optane setup and is not reset correctly when attempting to set Optane back up accelerating another drive.

Intel has everything they need to reproduce this bug in their hands already as I provided the procedure myself more than 6 months ago.


Please, have an engineer preform the following steps to replicate the problem and then modify the Optane setup software itself to correct the issue:

Install Windows 10 (with Optane drive attached)

Install Optane cache software (reboot until Optane is fully setup)

Launch Optane app and disable Optane (reboot)

Leave Optane drive installed but replace OS drive

Install Windows 10 on new drive

Install Optane cache software (reboot until Optane is fully setup)

Observe that the statistics tab reports that the memory service is not running

Observe that there is an Intel folder in task scheduler but there is no task listed

0 Kudos

Yep, i deleted old version of optane driver and install the latest and all worked correctly, but after re-installing windows pinning isnt working and servise isnt starting.

P.s. Yes, there is not Intel folder in task scheduler

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor I

Yep, exactly what I observed and reported, in February.

This will take an Intel engineer to replicate and correct.

0 Kudos

Hi Vasilij83 and nosirrahx,



Thank you for the information. I'll make sure to forward it to the proper team so that they can check it and consider it for revision.



If there is anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask.



Have a nice day.





Diego V.
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