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1367 Discussions

Windows installed on Optane instead of SSD


Hello Everyone,


My friend tried to fresh his PC by format Windows, but somehow he install new OS on Optane memory instead of SSD. After installation SSD is visible in Device Menager and Bios but doesn't show up during installation or in Disk Management.


Drive Details: Intel Optane Memory H10 with Solid State Storage 32GB + 512GB HBRPEKNX0202A


Thank You for any help!

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5 Replies

Hello, Tomi96.

Thank you for posting on the Intel Community Support Forum.

We received your ticket regarding the Optane H series, and I will be reviewing this with you.

Please let me know the following:

1. Exactly how is the system configured right now? How many drives and where is Windows installed?

2. What is the model of the system or motherboard?

3. Did the Optane come preinstalled with the system?

4. Have you performed any type of BIOS adjustments?

I will follow up on October 19th just in case.


Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Bruce, 


Thank You for your reply.


1.2. Optane has been installed on Asus Vivobook 14 X403JA ( I should mention about it in my first post)

3. Optane come with preinstalled system but the memory has been full format so many times.

4. Asus 304 Bios is extremely limited with Bios settings. 


I followed tips from this link but no success:


Thank You!

0 Kudos


Thank you for the details.

It is still not really clear to me what the current state of your Windows installation is, but taking into consideration that the unit came preinstalled in this ASUS system, the best option would be to reach out to them for assistance on how to restore this system to its original state, or the appropriate settings and BIOS configuration for Optane H Series.

You shared an article from the ASUS site that mentions an Intel article on how to setup Optane on VMD enabled platforms:


That article refers to 11th generation processors, but based on the ASUS laptop model you shared, this is a 10th Gen processor, so it does not apply, but if you are not sure or you do not have access to those options (or similar) in the system BIOS, this is another reason to reach out to them directly.

Below are some general settings you will need to look for, the reason why I can only provide general instructions is because the names, availability and location of these settings may vary depending on the system manufacturer (ASUS, HP, Dell or other....):

  1. Look for anything that reads "VMD" and if this is enabled/disabled for the M.2 or any PCIe devices.
  2. PCIe remapping: Disabled
  3. Legacy Support or CSM: Disabled.
  4. SATA mode or RAID mode: Intel RST Premium / Optane Ready / RAID

Here is the driver download page for 10th generation platforms:


If VMD is no present in the system or is disabled for the M.2 port with the Optane Memory, you need the driver that reads "F6flpy-x64-Non-VMD", then download and extract the contents in a USB, the name of the folder does not matter, just make sure you can find it later.

Once you have the driver in the USB (it could be the same USB that you use to install Windows), you can follow step three of our guide to load the driver by navigating to the correct folder during the Windows installation:


Additionally, if the driver is still not visible in that list, please try this:

1. In the SSD selection window during the Windows installation, press the keys "Shift" + "F10", this should display a command prompt window.

2. Type Diskpart and then hit Enter.

3. Once in Diskpart you can type List Disk and this should display all the drives connected.

4. If the Optane H drives are visible here, select the drive by typing Select disk X (X is the number of the drive), and then type Clean All, and hit Enter to erase it. Do this for both portions of the drive. Be careful here because this will also display your USB drives and any other drives in the system, and you do not want to delete the incorrect one.

5. After the clean check if the drive is visible in the Disk selection menu for the Windows installation.

Let me know if this makes any difference, and I will follow up on October 21st.


Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello, Tomi96.

I wanted to follow up on this thread to check if you had any updates you can share.

I will keep the thread open and will follow up again on October 26th.


Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello, Tomi96.

This message is to inform you about the thread closure.

I previously shared some information regarding the Optane H series setup along general recommendations and BIOS settings to look for, but there was no confirmation about other questions or further assistance being required.

The thread will be closed right now and no longer monitored by Intel support. If you require any type of assistance from Intel in the future, please open a new thread, or contact us using any of the available support methods:


Best regards,

Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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