Intel® Quantum SDK
Forum related to Intel Quantum SDK, a full-stack software kit for programming and executing algorithms on simulated quantum hardware.
35 Discussions

New User Welcome to the Intel(R) Quatum SDK



Welcome to the Intel Community for users of the Intel® Quantum SDK.


To get access, visit


Join the Discussion

Visit the Intel DevHub Discord server to chat about your project or quantum algorithms in general. We'll be using this space for addressing your Intel(R) Quantum SDK questions, chats, tutorials, workshops, office hours, and more...

  1. join the server at
  2. click on the `intel-quantum-sdk` channel under Developer Topics
  3. and visit the request-a-role channel to request the role "Quantum Enthusiast" for yourself


Share Your Progress

After you get the basics under your belt, consider posting your project and code to the Intel® Developer Mesh to facilitate discussion.

2 Replies

Connecting to Intel® Developer's Cloud

This is as easy as signing up for an account and visiting the console at


  1. Click on the Training tab on the left-side browser.
  2. Click Launch JupyterLab in the top-right
  3. Choose or launch a Terminal menu
  4. You can access the compiler and files from the path
$ ls /opt/intel/quantum_sdk/


You are now using a Ubuntu 22 session and can browse and launch editors to view your files through the panel to the left of the GUI.


Take one step to configure your environment to supress some warnings


Or consider adding these lines to your .bashrc file.


Running Your First Quantum Program

Copy one of the examples to your home directory

$ cp /opt/intel/quantum_sdk/quantum-examples/ghz.cpp .


Double-click on the file in the browser to open an editor to read the file contents.

Now compile the example

$ /opt/intel/quantum_sdk/intel-quantum-compiler ghz.cpp

Then run the binary



Python example

To try out the Python Inteface, copy the example file to your home directory

$ cp /opt/intel/quantum_sdk/python-quantum-examples/ .


Double-click on that file to open the editor. Change the variable "compiler_path" to 

compiler_path = "/opt/intel/quantum_sdk/intel-quantum-compiler"

Now click File > Save Python File to save the changes.


Run the Python script with the Python binary located in the Intel Quantum SDK's directory

$ source /opt/intel/quantum_sdk/virtualenv/bin/activate
$ python3

During it's execution, it will freshly compile any changes to the ghz.cpp file, run it, and print the output.


The script demonstrates how to extract data from variables in the ghz.cpp file and provides a sketch of how to couple Python and C++ to get the optimal pairing of external software libraries. You can get a summary of the compiler features to support this by using the `-h` flag

$ /opt/intel/quantum_sdk/intel-quantum-compiler -h


View the Documentation

You can view the user-documentation file by creating a symbolic link to each in your home directory.

$ ln -s /opt/intel/quantum_sdk/api-v1.1-rev1.0.pdf api.pdf

Now double-click on the file in the left-side panel to open the .pdf-viewer.


There are a variety of workflows to use the Intel(R) Quantum SDK container image. If you are unfamiliar with containers, one path you can explore for free is to use your Linux or Windows Subsystem Linux to install podman. The attached procedure walks through the setup.
