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請問我目前使用macbook pro有安裝微軟視窗 win11家庭版,並也安裝quar lite版
Problem Details
Internal Error: Sub-system: DYGR, File: /quartus/ddb/dygr/dygr_place_info.cpp, Line: 3270
Stack Trace:
0x48b8c: DYGR_BLK_PHYSICAL_IMPLEMENTATION::PORT_ID::operator unsigned __int64 + 0x2bb4c (DDB_DYGR)
0x1db2b: DYGR_BLK_PHYSICAL_IMPLEMENTATION::populate_port_info_transient_data + 0xff (DDB_DYGR)
0x189d6: DYGR_PLACE_INFO_BODY::set_transient_data_members + 0x66 (DDB_DYGR)
0x3433b: DYGR_PLACE_INFO_BODY::load_data_from_pdb + 0x83 (DDB_DYGR)
0x15360: DYGR_DIE_INFO_BODY::load_data + 0x2a4 (DDB_DYGR)
0x1d1f7: MPP_ROOT::start + 0x587 (COMP_MPP)
0x5e5a: qfit_execute_mpp + 0x42 (comp_qfit_legacy_flow)
0x555b: QFIT_FRAMEWORK::execute + 0x22f (comp_qfit_legacy_flow)
0x2768: qfit_legacy_flow_run_legacy_fitter_flow + 0x1d4 (comp_qfit_legacy_flow)
0x14410: TclInvokeStringCommand + 0xf0 (tcl86)
0x161e2: TclNRRunCallbacks + 0x62 (tcl86)
0x17a65: TclEvalEx + 0xa65 (tcl86)
0xa6f8b: Tcl_FSEvalFileEx + 0x22b (tcl86)
0xa5646: Tcl_EvalFile + 0x36 (tcl86)
0x12877: qexe_evaluate_tcl_script + 0x367 (comp_qexe)
0x11ac3: qexe_do_tcl + 0x343 (comp_qexe)
0x16c34: qexe_run_tcl_option + 0x584 (comp_qexe)
0x39285: qcu_run_tcl_option + 0xf95 (comp_qcu)
0x1658d: qexe_run + 0x39d (comp_qexe)
0x17371: qexe_standard_main + 0xc1 (comp_qexe)
0x2262: qfit2_main + 0x82 (quartus_fit)
0x13258: msg_main_thread + 0x18 (CCL_MSG)
0x14a5e: msg_thread_wrapper + 0x6e (CCL_MSG)
0x16af0: mem_thread_wrapper + 0x70 (ccl_mem)
0x12af1: msg_exe_main + 0xa1 (CCL_MSG)
0x2a02: __tmainCRTStartup + 0x10e (quartus_fit)
0xeb93b: uaw_wcsrchr + 0xe5e7b (KERNEL32)
0x71ef7: uaw_wcsrchr + 0x6c437 (KERNEL32)
0x1bcb6f: NtWaitLowEventPair + 0x1ae5df (ntdll)
Executable: quartus_fit
windows 11
System Information
Platform: windows64
OS name: Windows 10
OS version: 10.0
Quartus Prime Information
Address bits: 64
Version: 20.1.1
Build: 720
Edition: Lite Edition
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Hi Aaron,
Quartus does not support win 11 yet, I'm afraid that's prolly be the reason for you error.
Please use proper requirement you may refer to link below for more detail regarding it.
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May I know if there is any update?
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We do not receive any response from you to the previous reply that I have provided, thus I will put this case to close pending. Please post a response in the next 15 days to allow me to continue to support you. After 15 days, this thread will be transitioned to community support. The community users will be able to help you with your follow-up questions.
p/s: If any answer from community or Intel support are helpful, please feel free to mark as solution and give Kudos.
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你好,目前不打算使用Windows 10 os,所以想請問
英特爾開發quar軟體什麼時候會支援到win11 os,謝謝
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