Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16668 Discussions

Altera feature downgrades w/ 10.x

Honored Contributor II

As of 10.x, The easy-to-learn and use native Quartus simulator is gone--poof! 


Rumors abound that .bdl designs, gates & primitives, and legacy logic module support are soon to be axed--poof! 


I'll share a bit of recent discussion w/ another engineer: 


Well, I talked with {local Altera distro rep) this very AM, and he hemmed and hawed to the effect that a .bdl design must be exported as a Verilog or VHDL digest, which can then be handled with Modelsim. So while schemata, legacy blocks, and primitives seem to be supported--for now--they have to be double-clutched through HDL synthesis; more time, bother & expense. 


{rep} maintains that "practically nobody" was using the Quartus native simulator anyway, and so it ultimately failed to make the cut in product development resources. He's probably right, with half-million line HDL code and licensed IP projects dominating lucrative high-density FPGA deployments. Altera has made the message clear: pikers like us who design-in small CPLDs with low volumes can take a hike. 


Well, I and the other "practical nobodies" out in the real world have one more reason to consider other programmable logic vendors. If "everybody" is really using Modelsim or other 3rd-party HDL-based simulators, then what makes Altera so special anymore? Why should anybody remain loyal to them after being %#$@! once or twice? 


The %#$@!s in Altera who got bonuses for axing the simulator overlooked the most obvious unintended consequence, namely that once everything has been stuffed into HDLs and Modelsim suites, vendor lock disappears: with transportable HDL designs, any FPGA vendor can provide the silicon now. 


Thus, I feel free to revisit Xilinx to see what they've got. X got arrogant for a while, but if I'm gonna relearn a simulator it might just as well be theirs. Lessee, Avnet and digikey are the two distros; pity {rep's employer: major semi distro} does not seem to handle them. Huh. 


The only bones {rep} could throw my way was a Modelsim training link (search for ODSW1120) and a kind offer to drop by & get me started in the brave new world of Modelsim. 


Maybe {rep} would care to sum up just what we can expect from dear old Altera in future? For the first time in 15 years I am now reluctant to specify Altera for new projects, whether I work for a dinky outfit like {small company}, or a $billion company like {major name-brand company}. 


//{atemp99} aka Nobody EE. 


PS As a hardcore hardware EE, with the odd exception of handiness in state machines, I hate HDLs.:mad: Too much like the s-word (software).
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21 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The Altera University Program has released a beta version of a new Quartus II Simulation GUI and Vector Waveform Editor. These tools are for Quartus II v10.1. 


The tools can be downloaded and installed from the Altera ftp site: 


We have also written a tutorial for the new tool flow, which is available here: 



The simulations produced using these new tools are meant for education purposes only. ModelSim-Altera is the recommended simulation tool.
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