Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16805 Discussions

Average using nbit numbers add them together and divide by n bit number

Honored Contributor II

This is my main code and i have the module for divider 

i think the divider code works i tested it and no errors. but I'm not sure if it divided. I got this far and feel lost im not sure where to go from here.  


module Adder (A1, B1, Cin,Q); parameter n = 5; outputQ; reg Q; input A1; wire A1; input B1; wire B1; input Cin; always @(A1 or B1 or Cin) begin Q = A1 +B1 + Cin; end endmodule module ave(Clk,X,LA,DataA,Sum,Q); parameter n=5; input A,B,EB,Temp,DataA,DataB,Sum,Q; input X; reg A,B,Temp,Sum; reg y,Y wire reg S1=3'b000;S2=3'b001;S3=3'b010;S4=3'b011;S5=3'b100; always (Clk) begin case(y) S1: y=S2; S2: y=S3; S3: if (counter>0) y=S2; else y=S4; S4: y=S4; S5: Done; endcase end always (Clk) begin case S1: Counter=n; Temp=n; Sum=0; S2: A=X; S3: if (counter>0) B<=A+B; else B<=B; S4: DataA=Temp; DataB=Sum; S5: Done=1; end Adder add(A,Sum,Cin,Sum); divider divid(Clk,1,1,1,1,DataA,DataB,1,1,Q,0); endmodule  


This is my divider it has like 4 other modules which might not be correct any help is appreciated  


module shiftlne(R,C,L,w,Clk,Q); parameter n=8; input R; input L,w,Clk,C; output Q; reg Q; integer k; always @(posedge Clk) begin if(L)begin if(C)begin Q<=R;end else begin for (k=0;k<(n-1);k=(k+1)) Q=Q; Q<=w; end end end endmodule module downcounter (R,E,L,Clk,Q); parameter n=8; inputR; input Clk,L,E; output Q; regQ; always @(posedge Clk) begin if(L) Q<=R; else if(E) Q<=(Q-1); end endmodule module muxdff( D0, D1, Sel, Clk,Q); input Clk,D0,D1,Sel; wire D; output Q; reg Q; assign D=Sel?D1:D0; always @ (posedge Clk) begin Q=D; end endmodule module regne (R,Clk,Resetn,E,Q); parameter n=8; input R; input Clk,Resetn,E; output Q; reg Q; always @(posedge Clk or negedge Resetn) begin if (Resetn==0) Q<=0; else if (E) Q<=R; end endmodule module divider (Clk,Resetn,s,LA,EB,DataA,DataB,R,Q,Done); parameter n=8 ; parameter logn=3; input Clk,Resetn,s,LA,EB; inputDataA,DataB; output R; outputQ; output Done; reg Done; wire Cout,z,R0; wire DataR; wire Sum; reg y,Y; wire A,B; wire Count; reg EA,Rsel,LR,ER,ER0,LC,EC; integer k; parameter S1=2'b00,S2A=2'b01,S2B=2'b10,S3=2'b11; always @(s or y or z or Cout) begin case(y) S1: if(s==0) Y=S1; else if(Cout==1) Y=S2A; else y=S2B; S2A: if(z==0) begin if(Cout==1) begin Y=S2A; end else begin Y=S2B; end end else begin Y=S3; end S2B: if(z==0)begin if(Cout==1)begin Y=S2A;end else begin Y=S2B;end end else begin Y=S3;end S3: if (s==1)begin Y=S3;end else begin Y=S1;end endcase end always @(s or y or z or Cout) begin:FSM_outputs EA=0;Rsel=0;LR=0;ER=0;ER0=0;LC=0;EC=0;Done=0; case(y) S1: begin Rsel=0;LR=1;ER0=0;LC=1; end S2A: begin EA=1;Rsel=1;LR=1;ER0=0; end S2B: begin EA=1;Rsel=1;ER=1;ER0=1; end S3: begin Done=1; end endcase end regne RegB (DataB,Clk,Resetn,EB,B); defparam RegB.n=n; shiftlne ShiftR(DataR,LR,ER,R0,Clk,R); defparam ShiftR.n=n; muxdff FF_R0(1'b0,A,ER0,Clk,R0); shiftlne ShiftA(DataA,LA,EA,Cout,Clk,A); defparam Counter.n=logn; assign Q=A; downcounter Counter(Count,EC,LC,Clk,Count); defparam ShiftA.n=n; assign z=(Count==0); assign Sum ={1'b0,R,R0}+{1'b0,~B}+1; assign Cout= Sum; always @(posedge Clk or negedge Resetn) begin if(Resetn==0)begin y<=S1;end else begin y<=Y;end end endmodule
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

May I suggest you've added a little too much code without a clear explanation of your issue. If you still have an issue perhaps you could be a little more specific and we can see if we can be of any help :)

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Honored Contributor II

I've managed to clean up the code big time. I understand I was super vague. I guess my main problems are with modules inputs and outputs. When I'm using a module can I loop my input as my output. Also can I set reg's equal to each other if so where can I do that. I'm have a lot of trouble because it did not like my assignments so i tried to make everything modules and tried to only chang in enables and clears but I'm still having issues

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