Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16682 Discussions

Can't program M10: Q15.0, USB BLaster, Windows 7-64

Honored Contributor II

Hi All, 

I cannot get the Q15 programmer to program the M10 Eval board. The new Terasic USB Blaster can autodetect the M10.  

I can "program" my sof or pof file. The programmer immediately says the operation was successful...too quick to have done anything. The light on the blaster stays off during the operation. 

The function of the M10 Eval board continues to be the factory default. 


My system is windows 7-64 with Quartis 15.0. The USB Blaster driver was updated as documented....No problem. 

I've tried several blasters...but they all are from the same digikey stock. 


Any help greatly appreciated.
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi KB3569, 


What is the specific error message that you observe when it fails? Probably some screenshots will be helpful for further understanding.
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Honored Contributor II

I have not really tested a M10 board but just to share on how I will do generally with other FPGA devices: launch programmer -> auto-detect the device, select the device -> change programming file -> then browse to my SOF file -> tick the program box -> program. Hope this is helpful to you. 


You can also share your steps to trigger the error.
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Honored Contributor II

Okay I got it. This must be a newb issue? 


My mistake was how I added a file in the programmer. I really don't understand why, but it only works one way. 


What worked:  

1. autodetect. Select correct part. 

2. click the file name in the chain table. It should be <none> to start with (one part for the M10 demo board) 

3. double click the file name. Specify the pof or sof file. This operation does not add a device to the chain. 

4. select the operations you want: program/configure, erase, etc. 

5. Hit start. The operation will take some time, report a status and will do something. 


What did not work: 

For step 3, if you right click and “add file” a second icon is added in the chain. Then any operations on this new icon would complete immediately, report success and apparently not do anything. 



I appreciate the comments.
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Honored Contributor II



What did not work# 2: 

Following the instructions in the Max 10 Eval kit documentation. Specifically "3. Click Add File and select the path to the desired .sof." 

Doing this will add a second device in the chain. Any operation will be instant, report success and not do anything.
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Honored Contributor II

Glad that you have managed to get it work. I believe the "add file" some how cause the issue. Generally I will use "change file" since it works for me all the time.

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Honored Contributor II

In Quartus II programmer when you choose “add file”, the programmer will add as another device in the JTAG chain.  

If you want to add a .sof or pof file to the existing device (after auto detect) in the chain, you should only use "change file".
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Honored Contributor II

Hi KB3569, 


Thanks for the sharing on the working and non working examples.
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