Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Connect between Blocks at VHDL

Honored Contributor II

Hi ,  

i'm starting my final BS.c project and i'm doing it at Quartos and VHDL . 

I have blocks that i design at vhdl and i want to connect between them (logicly) ,  

i know that there is an option to define each block as a component at different file and define each block at the top file of the project  

and make instantiation at the top file . 


Is this the right solution of doing it ?  


Does instantiation means to connect between to components or connect between signal to I/O port and vice versa ?
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

When you instantiate a component you can map its inputs and output to the inputs and output of the top level entity or to internal signals. To connect the signal of 2 components use internal signals. I post a code of a circuit based on nand gates. This gates were implemented in a different component and instantiated many times. It's only for academic purposes.

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Honored Contributor II

appreciate your answer , 

Few more questions : 

what do i write at the top level entity ? is it the entity declaration and Instantiation and interconnections ?  


where do i write the design of the entity ? at other file or at the same file ? 


Thank you very much !
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Honored Contributor II

First you create a Quartus project with a name, say it "toto" for example. usually you give the same name to the top level entity: 


entity toto is.... 


if you give a different, an error appears during compilation saying that can't find top level entity. Go to Assignments->Setting->general and select the top level entity from the box "Top-level entity". 


Below the entity declaration, in same fiel, u write the architecture ( what you called the design of the entity ). Here you place the instantiation of the component ( entities located in diffent files. All files must be added to the project ).
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Honored Contributor II

I understand ,  

At the files that you sent me there weren't components , just entities ; then at the second file you wrote the architecture . 


can i work that way ? without components ? and then write the architecture of the entities at different files ?  


thanks bertulus .
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Honored Contributor II

No. All files has an entity declaration and a architecture. The entity defines a circuit as a black box and architecture says what are inside the box. 


For example if you design a not gate: 


entity not_gate is 


ent : in std_logic; 

sal : out std_logic 


end entity not_gate; 


architecture some_name_of_arch of not_gate is 

-- signals declarations 


sal <= not ent; 

end architecture some.... 


u use this structure in all vhdl files. 


Second. The code seems that i not use component. i used without explicitily saying. In the line: 


nand_1: entity work.nand_3 (implementacion) 

port map( i1 => b , i2 => c , i3 => d , o => g ); 


I'm using entity nand3 as a component. In the old fashion vhdl you have to declare a component with the "component" reserved word, and then use it. It's a wordy way of use components. In modern vhdl you can use an entity as a component not declared previously.
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Honored Contributor II

Thank you very much bertulus ,  

you made it look very easy with your explanation ,  

appreciate it so much , 

odedidush .
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Honored Contributor II

Actually, components are still needed when you do mixed code instantiation (say VHDL isntantiating AHDL or Verilog) or a black box. Using direct instantiation makes the compiler check the entity, which means missmatches are picked up soon. If you use a component, the missmatch wont appear until it tries to map the component to an entity at the elaboration stage, which could be 10 minutes later in a large compile.

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