Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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ModelSim vmake problem. Makefile is not properly formatted.

Honored Contributor II

I'm running into an issue with generating a Makefile from ModelSim ASE 12.1 


I start by running: 

$ vmake > Makefile 


And find that the resulting Makefile is not properly formatted. Instead of lines starting with a tab, lines start with 4 spaces.  


Then when I try to run it using: 

$ make -f Makefile 


I get output saying 

**make: Nothing to be done for `whole_library'.** 


Then if I fix up the makefile I can usually get it to work. So I'm not quite sure if this is a problem with 'vmake', bash, or Linux? 


Anyone know what might be causing this or how to fix it? 



I might be an idiot and didn't clean out the .dat files out of the compilation library directory first. I think that's why I got the.. "Nothing to be done for 'whole_library'" error. 


In the Emacs vhdl-mode makefile generator I noticed it creates a command called 'clean' to remove the .dat files. I must need to do this first. 


Sorry I'm new to this sort of thing and am trying to learn my way around.
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