Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16603 Discussions

Custom Instruction accessing SDRAM

Honored Contributor II



I am currently trying to update a memory location content inside SDRAM from a custom instruction(function called from nios ii). From what I understand, I need to use avalon memory mapped interfaces. 


tried the following implementation below, but would not get it to work. is there something that I missed out or misinterpreted? 


inside QSYS the custom instruction having a MM master connected to SDRAM MM slave, and for the custom instruction side, a template for avalon mm simple master is being added with a portion of the codes included for custom instruction. 

//avalon MM Master port input clock, reset; output reg avalon_master_address; output avalon_master_byteenable; output reg avalon_master_read; input avalon_master_readdata; input avalon_master_response; input avalon_master_waitrequest; //not used output reg avalon_master_write; output reg avalon_master_writedata; assign avalon_master_byteenable = 4'b1111; always@(posedge clk) begin if(clk_en) begin if(start) begin case(n) 2 : begin avalon_master_address <= addressA; avalon_master_writedata <= dataB; avalon_master_read <= 1'b0; avalon_master_write <= 1'b1; if(avalon_master_response == 2'b00) n2_done <= 1'b1; end end end end end  


Thanks in advance
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Why do you need a custom instruction for this? And the code you post is not complete. It's not clear what n and n2_done are. 


If you are trying to implement a state machine, I suggest following the state machine template.
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Honored Contributor II

Plus, this is not how you construct a Nios custom instruction. There are certain ports you need to use (not standard Avalon) and you connect it to the Nios's custom instruction master interface. See this online training:
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