Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16642 Discussions

Custom component with GPIO Lite component generates 12006 error: undefined entity

Honored Contributor II


I've created a custom component in Qsys that includes a Altera GPIO lite component. The component is instansiated like this: 


inst_lvds_input : LVDS_INPUT PORT MAP ( dout => reg_lvds_in, pad_in(0) => lvds_in_pos, pad_in_b(0) => lvds_in_neg );  


The component is then copied to the IP folder of another Quartus project and included into a Nios system. Qsys creates the system but when running the synthesis in Quartus the error message is: 


Error (12006): Node instance "lvds_input_inst" instantiates undefined entity "altera_gpio_lite". Make sure that the required user library paths are specified correctly. If the project contains EDIF Input Files (.edf), make sure that you specified the EDA synthesis tool settings correctly. Otherwise, define the specified entity or change the calling entity. The Altera Knowledge Database contains many articles with specific details on how to resolve this error. Visit the Knowledge Database at and search for this specific error message number. 


I've included the .qip file into my custom component in Qsys but didn't seem to make a difference as it shows up in the synthesis folder of the new Nios system. 

Any ideas?
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Try adding the Qip file in the project add/remove section. I have had this issue before as well when using the FFT core. I solved it by adding the Qip in the overall project section in quartus. Hope this helps.. 






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I've created a custom component in Qsys that includes a Altera GPIO lite component. The component is instansiated like this: 


inst_lvds_input : LVDS_INPUT PORT MAP ( dout => reg_lvds_in, pad_in(0) => lvds_in_pos, pad_in_b(0) => lvds_in_neg );  


The component is then copied to the IP folder of another Quartus project and included into a Nios system. Qsys creates the system but when running the synthesis in Quartus the error message is: 


Error (12006): Node instance "lvds_input_inst" instantiates undefined entity "altera_gpio_lite". Make sure that the required user library paths are specified correctly. If the project contains EDIF Input Files (.edf), make sure that you specified the EDA synthesis tool settings correctly. Otherwise, define the specified entity or change the calling entity. The Altera Knowledge Database contains many articles with specific details on how to resolve this error. Visit the Knowledge Database at and search for this specific error message number. 


I've included the .qip file into my custom component in Qsys but didn't seem to make a difference as it shows up in the synthesis folder of the new Nios system. 

Any ideas? 

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Honored Contributor II

Thank you for your answer! 

How ever, the .qip file is already automatically included in the Nios system i built with Qsys. I tried adding it again but with no luck. 


My component is: 

- my component.vhd 

- altera_gpio_lite.qip 

- altera_gpio_lite.vhd 



The component is added to my Nios project and there is no complaints from Qsys. I'm wondering if i should use LIBRARY, USE and inst_lvds_input : ENTITY work.LVDS_INPUT in my component?
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Honored Contributor II

I'll just add an comment to this, since this information is probobly buried in the docs somewhere. 

My assumption is that the GPIO lite component is not necessary for reading a LVDS input, as i'm trying to do, but merely to be able to simulate LVDS transmissions etc. And because of this, there is no real use for the GPIO lite IP in a system. 

Please correct me if i'm wrong!
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