Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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.sh file not runningArrow SoCkit

Honored Contributor II



I am trying to Running the Application on the Arrow SoCkit Board. 


I am following below document, as I have Cyclone V terasic board 



While I have finished steps like Setting Up The Windows Environment, Compiling the Example Design(Hello world),  


Que.1 : While I try to building host program, I applied make command but Its not generating hello_world file in bin folder under hello_world folder. 


Que 2: Running the Application on the Arrow SoCkit Board: when I command source ./, I got error:-sh: source: file not found in Putty, Even Putty is Showing same error for aocl version. 

but I f I am writing aocl version command in terminal Window(cmd) its showing me all version information. 


Could you please let me know, what kind of proble has it? 


Thanks in advance.
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