Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Error (204005): Can't generate output netlist file


Hi everyone!

I'm trying to simulate a exemple provided by analog devices in modelsim, using the nativelink for that. The dut and testbench files are provided too, so it's just run the code to work. All simulation is successfully compiled, but 2 errors persists.

Are they:

Error (204005): Can't generate output netlist file C:/intelFPGA_lite/19.1/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/CED1_modelsim.xrf -- output netlist files are read-only

Error (204005): Can't generate output netlist file C:/intelFPGA_lite/19.1/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/CED1.vo -- output netlist files are read-only

The example code it's about the AD7760. Has someone here had the same error?

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