Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17006 Discussions

Error in Compiling an existing design Quartus 20.1.0


I have inherited a design and have been compiling it with minor changes.

I would randomly get the following error from compile to compile in Quartus.  Would just restart Quartus and the error would go away.  But for the past several days, I just cannot get rid of the error and get a successful compile.   The only logic change from the previous shipped build has been changes in the  initialization value of a couple of registers.


11176 Caught exception

11176 Invalid device family 'Stratix V' specified

12154 Can't elaborate inferred hierarchy "sld_hub:auto_hub"

          Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis unsuccessful.  3 errors, 8436 warnings.


This is running on the Linux 64 platform.

Note that the product this device belongs to is fielded and has been in operation for several years.  Any pointers would be appreciated.


On the Intel/Altera support side, why are they shooting themselves in the foot by making it so difficult to get technical support?  Xilinx has set up a Slack channel with our Company (and probably many others) where we can just communicate with the sales and support team on a daily basis and get guidance.  When I try to file an SR with intel, I ended up in some Microsoft Azure website and I could not even understand the two page error message.  



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3 Replies

Have you tried to removed the db folder, restart Quartus and recompile?

Just to start a very fresh compilation.

To me seem weird from randomly failing and passing to now not able to pass at all.

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Let me know if there is any update from previous reply

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