Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17009 Discussions

Errors with parametrized instantiation of custom componenten in platform designer

New Contributor II


I am trying to implement a custom component consisting of a .VHD and a HW.TCL file. My target is to dynamically modify the width of an input port when a parameter of the component changes. The application is pretty simple: The parameter g_desc_size specifies the size of an array in the component and g_adr_width is calculated depending on that value.

The port definitions in VHDL look like this:

  generic (
    g_desc_size               : integer := 256                              ;
    g_adr_width               : integer := 8                                ;
  port (
    asi_data_channel_i        :  in std_logic_vector(g_adr_width-1 downto 0);

The paramter definition in the TCL file look mlike this:

add_parameter g_desc_size integer
set_parameter_property g_desc_size DEFAULT_VALUE 256
set_parameter_property g_desc_size ALLOWED_RANGES 2:256
set_parameter_property g_desc_size AFFECTS_ELABORATION true
set_parameter_property g_desc_size AFFECTS_GENERATION true

add_parameter g_adr_width integer
set_parameter_property g_adr_width DEFAULT_VALUE 8
set_parameter_property g_adr_width ALLOWED_RANGES 1:8
set_parameter_property g_adr_width DERIVED true
set_parameter_property g_adr_width ENABLED false
set_parameter_property g_adr_width AFFECTS_ELABORATION true
set_parameter_property g_adr_width AFFECTS_GENERATION true

I have also added a elaboration callback function, for the calculation of g_adr_width, that looks like this:

proc elaboration_callback {} {
  set_parameter_value g_adr_width [ expr ceil(log([get_parameter_value g_desc_size])/log(2)) ]
  set_port_property asi_data_channel_i WIDTH_EXPR [ get_parameter_value g_adr_width ]

The elaboration callback is enabled with set_module_property ELABORATION_CALLBACK elaboration_callback

Now when I try to compile the design with the parameter g_desc_size set to 4 in Platform Designer (so 2 is the correct value for the port width) an error messages comes up that says:

Error (12005): Actual width (2) of port "asi_data_channel_i" on instance "<instance_name>" is not compatible with the formal port width (8) declared by the instantiated entity

When I try to compile the design without a default value for g_adr_width in the VHD file, Quartus tells me that the generic needs a default or actual value.

Within the Platform Designer there doesn't seem to be a problem; the port width of the above mentioned signal changes as intended and there are no problems when generating the HDL code.

I have looked through the files that were generated with the Generate HDL in Platform Designer and I don't really see a problem: The component decleration in the PKG.VHD file has the correct port width of 2.

What is the solution to this? I am sure that it'll be pretty obious for someone that has already worked with custom components, but this is my first time implementing one.
Do I need to add a generation callback function too?

Best Regards,

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1 Solution
New Contributor II


thank you for the answer! At first the behavior didn't change with the strings but then I added the lines

set_parameter_property <parameter_name> HDL_PARAMETER true

for all the parameters. Now the Fitter doesn't output any error messages no more.

Best Regards,

View solution in original post

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

According to the Platform Designer user guide, the value for WIDTH_EXPR should be a string representing the name of the parameter (page 701) you want to use (for you "g_adr_width").  You can see an example of this on page 100:

Also, if this doesn't fix the issue, can you show the other commands in your _hw.tcl for the port in question, asi_data_channel_i?

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New Contributor II


thank you for the answer! At first the behavior didn't change with the strings but then I added the lines

set_parameter_property <parameter_name> HDL_PARAMETER true

for all the parameters. Now the Fitter doesn't output any error messages no more.

Best Regards,

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I’m glad that your question has been addressed, I now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

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