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Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17042 討論

Failed to access library 'altera_ver' quartus 23.1

4,001 檢視

I am new to FPGA's and i am trying to learn to work with them. while i was trying to run an rtl simlation on questasim(free ver) i encountered the following in questasim:


# Reading pref.tcl
# // Questa Intel Starter FPGA Edition-64
# // Version 2023.3 win64 Jul 17 2023
# //
# // Copyright 1991-2023 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# // All Rights Reserved.
# //
# // QuestaSim and its associated documentation contain trade
# // secrets and commercial or financial information that are the property of
# // Mentor Graphics Corporation and are privileged, confidential,
# // and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,
# // 5 U.S.C. Section 552. Furthermore, this information
# // is prohibited from disclosure under the Trade Secrets Act,
# // 18 U.S.C. Section 1905.
# //
# do inv_run_msim_rtl_verilog.do
# vmap altera_ver C:/intelFPGA_lite/projects/P2/verilog_libs/altera_ver
# Questa Intel Starter FPGA Edition-64 vmap 2023.3 Lib Mapping Utility 2023.07 Jul 17 2023
# vmap altera_ver C:/intelFPGA_lite/projects/P2/verilog_libs/altera_ver
# Copying C:/intelFPGA_lite/23.1std/questa_fse/win64/../modelsim.ini to modelsim.ini
# Modifying modelsim.ini
# ** Error (suppressible): (vmap-19) Failed to access library 'altera_ver' at "C:/intelFPGA_lite/projects/P2/verilog_libs/altera_ver".
# No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT)
# Error in macro ./inv_run_msim_rtl_verilog.do line 2
# Questa Intel Starter FPGA Edition-64 vmap 2023.3 Lib Mapping Utility 2023.07 Jul 17 2023
# vmap altera_ver C:/intelFPGA_lite/projects/P2/verilog_libs/altera_ver
# Copying C:/intelFPGA_lite/23.1std/questa_fse/win64/../modelsim.ini to modelsim.ini
# Modifying modelsim.ini
# ** Error (suppressible): (vmap-19) Failed to access library 'altera_ver' at "C:/intelFPGA_lite/projects/P2/verilog_libs/altera_ver".
# No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT)
# while executing
# "error [FixExecError $msg]"
# (procedure "vmap" line 29)
# invoked from within
# "vmap altera_ver C:/intelFPGA_lite/projects/P2/verilog_libs/altera_ver"

i can not find anything called altera_ver anywhere. i was getting a different error before which was :

C:/IntelFPGA_lite/23.1std/questa_fse/win64/vsim.exe this did not work and after running the quartus # vsim -t 1ps -L altera_ver -L lpm_ver -L sgate_ver -L altera_mf_ver -L altera_lnsim_ver -L cyclonev_ver -L cyclonev_hssi_ver -L cyclonev_pcie_hip_ver -L rtl_work -L work -voptargs="+acc" tb_inv.v
# vsim -t 1ps -L altera_ver -L lpm_ver -L sgate_ver -L altera_mf_ver -L altera_lnsim_ver -L cyclonev_ver -L cyclonev_hssi_ver -L cyclonev_pcie_hip_ver -L rtl_work -L work -voptargs=""+acc"" tb_inv.v
# Start time: 12:07:15 on Feb 06,2025
# ** Error (suppressible): (vsim-19) Failed to access library 'tb_inv' at "tb_inv".
# No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT)
# Error loading design
# Error: Error loading design
# Pausing macro execution
# MACRO ./inv_run_msim_rtl_verilog.do PAUSED at line 12

now iam stuck here for past few hours can you please help me out. i am just trying to run a simple inverter program

i have already added the quartus and questa directories to path. i tried to recompile the simulation libraries but there was another error there.

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Do you able to resolve your issue?


Richard Tan

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We noticed that we haven't received a response from you regarding the latest previous question/reply/answer, and will now transitioning your inquiry to our community support. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your understanding.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Please login to https://supporttickets.intel.com/s/?language=en_US, view details of the desire request, and post a feed/response within the next 15 days to allow me to continue to support you. After 15 days, this thread will be transitioned to community support. The community users will be able to help you on your follow-up questions.

The community users will be able to help you on your follow-up questions.

Thank you for reaching out to us!

Best Regards,

Richard Tan
