Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Function to_unsigned

Honored Contributor II



I've got some problem to use the function to_unsigned. 


I create a program that take two inputs from switch, convert into 7 segment display and show on it. 


Then i start a process in which i want to sum each input and show the result on 7 segment.  


but when i use the function to_unsigned on this part of code i've got an error  


temp <= input1+input2; result <=to_unsigned(integer(temp)); segmentsR <= unsigned_to_seven_segment(value =>unsigned(result), number_of_digits =>2, value_is_bcd =>false);  


The error is: 

- formal port of parameter "SIZE" must have actual or default value 


So i see on the ieee library what SIZE means and i saw that after ARG is necessary to write, SIZE ....... 


I try to modify the code in this way 

result <= to_unsigned(integer(temp, SIZE:NATURAL));  


Now the error is near text ":"; expecting ")" , or "," 


What means? Is there anyone can explain me what is SIZE? 




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11 Replies
Honored Contributor II

size is a constant number specifying the result bit length. 


result <=to_unsigned(integer(temp), result'length); 

should work
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Honored Contributor II


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size is a constant number specifying the result bit length. 


result <=to_unsigned(integer(temp), result'length); 

should work 

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unfortunately didn't work.....there is another error......"variable must be constrained"
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Honored Contributor II

That error probably came from elsewhere. How about posting the full code, not just a snippet.

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Honored Contributor II


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That error probably came from elsewhere. How about posting the full code, not just a snippet. 

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ok....this is the full code: 


library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.seven_segment_pkg.all; entity Switch7Segment is port ( SW: in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); HEX0: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); HEX1: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); HEX2: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); HEX3: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); KEY: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); CLOCK_50: IN STD_LOGIC ); end entity Switch7Segment; architecture behavior of Switch7Segment is signal segments1: std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); signal segments2: std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); signal segmentsR: std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); signal input1: integer; signal input2: integer; signal result: unsigned; signal temp: integer; begin input1 <= to_integer(unsigned(SW(4 downto 0))); input2 <= to_integer(unsigned(SW(9 downto 5))); segments1 <= unsigned_to_seven_segment(value => unsigned(SW(4 downto 0)), number_of_digits => 2, value_is_bcd => false); segments2 <= unsigned_to_seven_segment(value => unsigned(SW(9 downto 5)), number_of_digits => 2, value_is_bcd => false); HEX1 <= segments1(13 downto 7); HEX0 <= segments1(6 downto 0); HEX3 <= segments2(13 downto 7); HEX2 <= segments2(6 downto 0); PROCESS(CLOCK_50) BEGIN IF (CLOCK_50' EVENT AND CLOCK_50='1' AND KEY(0)='1') THEN temp<=input1+input2; result<=to_unsigned(integer(temp), result'length); segmentsR <= unsigned_to_seven_segment(value => unsigned(result), number_of_digits =>2, value_is_bcd =>false); HEX1 <= segmentsR(13 downto 7); HEX0 <= segmentsR(6 downto 0); END IF; end Process; end;  



library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; package seven_segment_pkg is -- Return a std_logic_vector ready for driving a number of 7-segment displays. function unsigned_to_seven_segment(value: unsigned; number_of_digits: integer; value_is_bcd: boolean) return std_logic_vector; end; package body seven_segment_pkg is function seven_seg_from_bcd_digit(bcd_digit: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector is begin case bcd_digit is -- abcdefg when x"0" => return "1000000"; when x"1" => return "1111001"; when x"2" => return "0100100"; when x"3" => return "0110000"; when x"4" => return "0011001"; when x"5" => return "0010010"; when x"6" => return "0000010"; when x"7" => return "1111000"; when x"8" => return "0000000"; when x"9" => return "0010000"; when x"a" => return "0001000"; when x"b" => return "0000011"; when x"c" => return "1000110"; when x"d" => return "0100001"; when x"e" => return "0000110"; when x"f" => return "1110001"; when others => return "0000000"; end case; end; -- Return a vector ready for driving a series of 7-segment displays. function unsigned_to_seven_segment( value: unsigned; -- Number of 7-segment displays (determines output vector width: W = 7*N) number_of_digits: integer; -- When true, treat the input value as a BCD number where every 4 bits hold one -- digit from 0 to A. When false, treat the input number as an unsigned integer. value_is_bcd: boolean ) return std_logic_vector is variable segments: std_logic_vector(number_of_digits*7-1 downto 0); variable bcd_quotient: unsigned(value'range); variable bcd_remainder: unsigned(3 downto 0); begin if value_is_bcd then for i in 0 to number_of_digits-1 loop segments(i*7+6 downto i*7) := seven_seg_from_bcd_digit( std_logic_vector(value(i*4+3 downto i*4)) ); end loop; else bcd_quotient := value; for i in 0 to number_of_digits-1 loop bcd_remainder := resize(bcd_quotient mod 10, 4); bcd_quotient := bcd_quotient / 10; segments(i*7+6 downto i*7) := seven_seg_from_bcd_digit( std_logic_vector(bcd_remainder) ); end loop; end if; return segments; end; end;
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Honored Contributor II

The problem is here: 


signal result: unsigned; 


The unsigned type must have a range, like a std_logic_vector. 


NOTE: all errors will have a line associated with them, so you can check the offending code.
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Honored Contributor II

On a side note: I hope you are not expecing to run this code at any high clock frequency (like anything above 20MHz) as it has chained mod and divide functions in a single clock.

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Honored Contributor II

And you have multiple drivers on HEX0 and HEX1 outputs

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Honored Contributor II


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And you have multiple drivers on HEX0 and HEX1 outputs 

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Infact this is another problem, i will see how resolve it
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Honored Contributor II

At the beginning i think that with a clock that scan process the problem of multiple driver HEX will be resolve......

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Honored Contributor II

you cannot drive a signal from inside and outside of a process... so you cannt assign them from both places..

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Honored Contributor II

now i understand and the code works 


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