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module DE10_LITE_Default (SW,HEX1,HEX0);
input [3:0]SW;
output [6:0]HEX1,HEX0;
wire z ;
wire [3:0]y , m;
wire [2:0]b;
assign y = {1'b0,b};
// comparator compar1(SW[3],SW[2],SW[1],SW[0],z);
circuitA circuita(SW[2:0],b[2:0]);
multi multi1(z,SW[3:0],y,m);
circuitB hex1(z,HEX1);
char_7seg hex0(m , HEX0 );
//module eq2 (
// input wire[1:0] a,b,
// output wire q ) ;
// wire q3, q2,q1,q0;
//assign q = q3|q2|q1|q0;
//assign q3 = ( ~a[1] &~ a[0] ) & (~b[1] &~b[0]);
//assign q2 = ( ~a[1] & a[0] ) & (~b[1] &b[0]);
//assign q1 = ( a[1] &~ a[0] ) & (b[1] &~b[0]);
//assign q0 = ( a[1] & a[0] ) & (b[1] &b[0]);
//module eq3 (
// input wire[1:0] a,b,
// output wire q ) ;
// wire q1, q0;
//eql bit0(a[0], b[0], q0);
//eql bit1( a[1], b[1], q1 );
//assign q = q0&q1;
//module eql (
// input wire a,b,
// output wire q ) ;
// wire p0, p1;
// assign q = p0 |p1;
// assign p0 = ~a & ~b;
// assign p1 = a & b;
//module comparator(a,b,c,d,q);
//input a,b,c,d;
//output q ;
//wire q5,q4,q3,q2,q1,q0;
//assign q = q5|q4|q3|q2|q1|q0;
//assign q5 = a&~b&c&~d; //10
//assign q4 = a&~b&c&d; //11
//assign q3 = a&b&~c&~d; //12
//assign q2 = a&b&~c&d; //13
//assign q1 = a&b&c&~d; //14
//assign q0 = a&b&c&d; //15
module circuitA(a,b);
input [2:0]a;
output [2:0]b;
assign b[2:0] = (a[2:0] == 3'b010) ?3'b000 : // 2 ? 0
(a[2:0] == 3'b011) ?3'b001 : // 3 ? 1
(a[2:0] == 3'b100) ?3'b010 : // 4 ? 2
(a[2:0] == 3'b101) ?3'b011 : // 5 ? 3
(a[2:0] == 3'b110) ?3'b100 : // 6 ? 4
(a[2:0] == 3'b111) ?3'b101 :3'b111; // 7 ? 5 : 7
module circuitB(a,hex);
input [0:0]a;
output [6:0]hex;
assign hex[6:0] = (a[0] == 1'b1)? 7'b111_1001 : 7'b100_0000; // 1 - 0
module multi(s,x,y,m);
input s;
input [3:0]x,y;
output [3:0]m;
assign m[3] = (~s&x[3] ) | (s&y[3]);
assign m[2] = (~s&x[2] ) | (s&y[2]);
assign m[1] = (~s&x[1] ) | (s&y[1]);
assign m[0] = (~s&x[0] ) | (s&y[0]);
module char_7segs(sw,hex);
input [3:0]sw;
output [6:0]hex;
// seg = {g,f,e,d,c,b,a};
// 0 is on and 1 is off
// ---a----
// | |
// f b
// | |
// ---g----
// | |
// e c
// | |
// ---d----
assign hex= (sw[3:0] == 4'b0000 )? 7'b100_0000: // 0
(sw[3:0] == 4'b0001 )? 7'b111_1001: // 1
(sw[3:0] == 4'b0010 )? 7'b010_0100: // 2
(sw[3:0] == 4'b0011 )? 7'b011_0000: // 3
(sw[3:0] == 4'b0100 )? 7'b001_1001: // 4
(sw[3:0] == 4'b0101 )? 7'b001_0010: // 5
(sw[3:0] == 4'b0110 )? 7'b000_0010: // 6
(sw[3:0] == 4'b0111 )? 7'b000_0111: // 7
(sw[3:0] == 4'b1000 )? 7'b000_0000: // 8
(sw[3:0] == 4'b1001 )? 7'b001_1000:7'b111_1111; // 9 - blank
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Hi Kassy,
Could you point out which line in the mass of code is the line that gave rise or suspect to the error.
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Hello Syafieq_Intel,
I can compile the code but once I have loaded to the DE10-Lite board my display is out.
display results below.
All switches off : HEX1 = 0 , HEX0 = Blank
SW2 switched on: HEX1 and HEX0=0
SW1 and SW2 switched on: HEX1= 0 and HEX0= E
SW0, SW1 and SW2 switched on: HEX1= 0 and HEX0=H
The BCD to decimal display is not functioning correctly and I think the code is to big but I'm not sure how to condense it.
I will need to utilize all six of seven segment display and perhaps using the LED's to indicate the Binary inputs.
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This is what I am trying to achieve.
first task;
Use switches SW7−4 and SW3−0 for the inputs A and B, respectively, and use SW8 for the carry-in. The value of A should be displayed on the 7-segment display HEX5, while B should be on HEX3. Display the BCD sum, S1S0, on HEX1 and HEX0.
Second task;
Design a combinational circuit that converts a 6-bit binary number into a 2-digit decimal number represented in the BCD form. Use switches SW5−0 to input the binary number and 7-segment displays HEX1 and HEX0 to display the decimal number.
Finding these tasks difficult as I am very new to this and I have a few more task like these.
So, I will need all the help I can get.

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