Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16842 Discussions

Help to translate verilog to vhdl


Greetings, first to say that I am new to the forum and I really do not know if this is the correct section for this type of questions.

I have limited knowledge in vhdl but I am totally new in verilog. A couple of days ago I try to translate a project from verilog to vhdl, for this I am using a translator, but even so I am finding lines that I can not translate to vhdl (lines 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 15, 36, 51).

`define SDREADRANGE 16*idx+15:16*idx // Incrementing indexes within generate below `define SBUSRANGE 32*idx+31:32*idx // Incrementing indexes within generate below `define SDRECRANGE 9*idx+8:9*idx // Incrementing indexes within generate below generate genvar idx; for (idx=0; idx<=31; idx = idx+1) begin : sdma_engines   // Create a unique register block address: 32 SDMA engines with 64 bytes each = 2K wire i_aen = i_aen_sdma_engines & (i_host_addr[10:6] == idx );       wire [31:0] sdma_dq = i_sdma_dq[`SBUSRANGE]; wire [8:0] sdma_record_size = i_sdma_record_size[`SDRECRANGE];     // SDMA engines use PTIQ's 8-(31+8) wire [7:0] ptiq_number = 8'd8 + idx;   g1_sdma_engine U_sdma_engine (   // Clock and Reset .i_rst ( i_rst ), // input // .i_clk ( i_clk ), // input //   // ======= Local Bus Interface ======= .i_lclk ( i_lclk ), // input // .i_host_addr ( i_host_addr[5:1] ), // input [5:1] // .i_cs ( i_cs ), // input // .i_rnw ( i_rnw ), // input // .i_aen ( i_aen ), // input // .i_host_data ( i_host_data ), // input [15:0] // .o_host_data ( odata_engines[`SDREADRANGE] ), // output [15:0] // .o_ta ( sdma_otas[idx] ), // output //   // Interface to source logic .i_sdma_enc ( i_sdma_enc[idx] ), // output // .i_sdma_record_added_tk ( i_sdma_record_added_tk[idx] ), // input // .o_sdma_ffren ( o_sdma_ffren[idx] ), // output // .i_sdma_ff_almost_full ( i_sdma_ff_almost_full[idx] ), // input // .i_sdma_dq ( sdma_dq ), // input [31:0] // .i_sdma_eof ( i_sdma_eof[idx] ), // input // .i_sdma_record_size ( sdma_record_size ), // input [8:0] //   // Backplane Interface via arbiter. Write fully-formed TLP's .o_tlp_request ( s_request[idx] ), // output // .i_tlp_grant ( s_grant[idx] ), // input // .o_tlp_data ( s_data[`SBUSRANGE] ), // output [31:0] // .o_tlp_eof ( s_eof[idx] ), // output // .o_tlp_wen ( s_wen[idx] ), // output //   // ptiq .i_ptiq_number ( ptiq_number ), // input [7:0] // .o_ptiq_dav ( o_sdma_ptiq[idx] ) // output //     ); end endgenerate

Cualquier ayuda es muy bienvenida, gracias de antemano.





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