Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16610 Discussions

How declare ALM synchronous signal (enable, sload, sclear) in vhdl

Honored Contributor II


The basic cell in Intel FPGA have a wonderful architecture, including dedicated synchronous signals as enable, sload and sclear. However, describe the use of this resources is not easy in vhdl for me. I use "process" only for declare hardware associated whit registers. 

Declare "enable" is easy: 

if (enable) then --this use enable dedícate port 

q <= xxxx; 

end if; 

Declare "sclear"... 

if (sclr) then 

--this use in RTL and Chip Planner a mux! i want sclr dedícate port 

q <= (others => '0'); 

end if; 

Declare "enable" and "sclear" use two mux. Now don't use enable dedícate port. 


How can use these precious resourses, synchronous dedícate ports? 



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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

You can access a complete template for all secondary control signals using the Edit menu in the Quartus text editor. But here is a similar complete template. Just remove the signals you don't want to use: 


ARCHITECTURE behavior OF dff IS BEGIN PROCESS(clk, aclr, apre, aload, adata) BEGIN IF aclr = '1' THEN q <= '0'; ELSIF apre = '1' THEN q <= '1'; ELSIF aload = '1' THEN q <= adata; ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN IF ena = '1' THEN IF sclr = '1' THEN q <= '0'; ELSIF sload = '1' THEN q <= sdata; ELSE q <= d; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; END ARCHITECTURE behavior;
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