Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17033 Discussions

How do I fix my Stratix V GX FPGA Development Kit after programming the MAX V control chip on the board?


Using Intel Quartus Prime Standard Edition 18.1, I was trying to program my Stratix V GX FPGA Development Kit, but the software was only detecting the Altera MAX V control FPGA chip, not the ALTERA Stratix V chip. I tried to program the board through the Max V control chip but afterwards the board changed into a corrupted state. The fan doesn't turn on anymore, the software can no longer program the Stratix FPGA nor detect it, and the attempts I have tried to fix it by resetting the board and returning the DIP switches to their factory settings have all failed to fix the problem. I have also tried to run the max5.pof file but Quartus Prime can no longer detect the FPGA hardware, so this method of fixing it does not work. Any help would be great.

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5 Replies



Welcome to INTEL forum. May we know is this the board that you use?

If not, could you advice. Thanks.

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Thanks for your update. Could you try on this? Perform the BTS test with Quartus v.12.0 as recommended in web and try to recover the board.

1.          Step 1 : set all DIP switch back to factory default state

2.          Step 2 : recover the corrupted Max V image with default pof file from BTS

3.          Step 3 : Then you can try detect and program SV FPGA again


Also make sure installed the SV device database in Quartus installation to be able to detect the SV device on board.


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Hi, whenever I open the Board Test System, it gives me the error "Connecting to the target... java.lang.Exception: No USB Blaster detected. Please check connections and restart the program". I therefore cannot click on any of the Configure menu options and the BTS is useless. When I try to program on Quartus, it will recognize the USB_Blaster II but gives me the error "Unable to scan device chain. On-board programming hardware is disabled". I have checked to make sure the DIP switches are in the factory default settings. I am on my second FPGA board since the first one is corrupted as I mentioned earlier and now the second one has stopped working as far as being programmed to. Both of these boards give me these errors and I have no idea why and no idea on how to fix it because every method of fixing it requires that the device is programmable or able to connect to the BTS or Board Update Portal.

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