Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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How to resolve Error (suppressible): (vsim-10000) <protected>(<protected>): Unresolved defparam reference to '<protected>'<protected>nofile. error in modelsim


I am trying to simulate a project that includes a system developed in the platform designer with modelsim but I get the following error: 


# Loading i_tse_mac.altera_std_synchronizer_nocut

# ** Error (suppressible): (vsim-10000) <protected>(<protected>): Unresolved defparam reference to '<protected>'<protected>nofile. 

#  Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Protected: /tb_stamp3_top/inst_stamp3_top/inst_stamp3_platform_designer/eth_tse_0/i_tse_mac/genblk9/U_MAC_TOP/U_MAC/genblk2/U_RXFF/genblk3/RX_DATA/U_RAM File: nofile

# ** Error (suppressible): (vsim-10000) <protected>(<protected>): Unresolved defparam reference to '<protected>'<protected>nofile.

#  Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Protected: /tb_stamp3_top/inst_stamp3_top/inst_stamp3_platform_designer/eth_tse_0/i_tse_mac/genblk9/U_MAC_TOP/U_MAC/genblk2/U_RXFF/genblk3/RX_DATA/U_RAM File: nofile


for a series of i_tse_mac modules. By looking up in the knowledge data base I saw that I should add -L altera_mf_ver before -L altera_mf in the simulation do file. It didn't resolve the issue. I am using Quartus Prime Lite 18.1 under Windows 10 with Modelsim - Intel FPGA Starter Edition 10.5b. 


How can I resolve the issue?


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2 Replies
First of all try to use IP auto-generated script to bring up the simulation, script is located in <ipname/simulation/mentor/msim_setup.tcl> ? Script will have all the settings including the Libraries need to be added for bringing up simulation. Open Modelsim and Follow steps as below in modelsim console. $ cd <ip simulation directory>/ $ do msim_setup.tcl $ ld Let me know if you are able to proceed. Thanks, Arslan

Good morning, Arslan. I have a similar problem with simulation. I followed the instructions you indicated and it worked. Thank you. I have a question: How can I simulate multiple IP components in the same simulation?
Thank you for your answer.

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