Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16612 Discussions

How to use several versions of custom component in Platform Designer at once?


I have following situation:


There is main QSYS system (main.qsys) which contains several subsystems (PCIExpres.qsys, video_transparency.qsys, picture_blend.qsys, processor_subsystem.qsys, video_grabber.qsys) to name few. Several of this subsystem uses the same component (video_input_hw.tcl).


While developing video_transparency.qsys, I decide to add new functionality into video_input_hw.tcl. (Or fix specific bug) So I use our version control to create a new branch of our library and implement the functionality.


Than I need to go to the main system, so I can create the full design with my video_transparency.qsys functionality for the sytem tests. However, there is problem because suddenly there are two version of video_input_hw.tcl. And while building design,Platform Designer will select on of the to use in all places (depending on the ordering of IP search path). However this is always wrong because my version is still not tested so it can not be used outside of video_transparency.qsys (it could break something I do not know about) and video_transparency.qsys does not work with older version.


Is there a way to tell the video_transparency.qsys to use the _hw.tcl file (and other sources) from different locations than other qsys subsystems? (keep in mind that project settings is for the main.qsys, and therefore is the same for all subsystems). What is correct and realistic way to approach the problem?


Thanks Jan

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

When you create a component using the Component Editor, there is a version field on the first tab of the tool. Set the version number and point to the appropriate file(s) for that version on the Files tab. Then, when you add the component to a system, right click it in the IP Catalog and choose to add the appropriate version to the system design.

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Thank you sstrell,

It is the solution of the problem.


Now I have follow up question, I will fix the bug in my component, increase version number and I can add new version into QSYS design. If I need to switch to the newer version of component design, I can click on the component in System View, details, and switch to the newer version. All nice. But what happens, when I would like to switch back to the lower version (lets say my bugfix brokes everythink, last version of someone else component gets bugfixed first). Is there a way to downgrade the component in platform designer?


Best Regards Jan



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Honored Contributor III

Just delete the component from the system and add in the older version. Again, you can right-click a component in the IP Catalog to choose which version to add to your system.

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