Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17033 Discussions

I can't generate an Example Design of Displayport IP using Quartus Prime Pro 23.1.


I can't generate an Example Design of Displayport IP using Quartus Prime Pro 23.1.

Always prompt for an error.

Info: dp_0: Creating design example
Info: dp_0: Creating Core Qsys subsystem
Info: dp_0: Creating Rx Phy
Info: dp_0: Creating Tx Phy
Info: dp_0: Creating Clkrec
Warning: dp_0: clkrec_pll_s10.clkrec_pll_s10: The output frequencies are not exact when the PLL is in fractional mode. The tolerance is up to +/- 0.5Hz
Warning: dp_0: clkrec_pll_s10.clkrec_pll_s10: The output frequencies are not exact when the PLL is in fractional mode. The tolerance is up to +/- 0.5Hz
Warning: dp_0: clkrec_pll135_s10.clkrec_pll135_s10: The output frequencies are not exact when the PLL is in fractional mode. The tolerance is up to +/- 0.5Hz
Warning: dp_0: clkrec_pll135_s10.clkrec_pll135_s10: The output frequencies are not exact when the PLL is in fractional mode. The tolerance is up to +/- 0.5Hz
Info: dp_0: Creating Misc
Info: dp_0: Generating Reset Release Intel FPGA IP
Info: dp_0: Creating Software
Error: dp_0: starting the process ([wsl,
Error: dp_0: Debug from here: Error starting the process ([wsl,


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3 Replies

Hi Wei Wei,


Thank you for reaching out.

Apologize for the delayed response.

Based on the information that you shared, it seems like this could be an issue with WSL patch on your operating system.

Allow me to clarify some items below:

Q1. You are running Quartus software on Windows environment, is this correct? May I know which version of Windows OS?

Q2. Have you install the WSL patch correctly on your OS?

Please ensure that the WSL installation and patch is installed successfully.

You may refer to below link for more information on WSL:

  1. Intel KDB Article - How to install the Windows* Subsystem for Linux* (WSL) on Windows* OS? 
  2. Intel Guide - 2.3.1. Installing Windows* Subsystem for Linux* (WSL) on Windows* 
  3. Install Linux on Windows with WSL 
  4. Run Linux GUI apps on the Windows Subsystem for Linux 

Q3. Other than the log you shared, is there any other error that appear on Quartus?

Hoping to hear back from you so that we can proceed for next step.

Thank you.


Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Wei Wei,


Good day.

I wish to follow up with you on this Case.

We have not heard from you for quite some time.

I would like to get update on my question from my previous reply.

Q1. You are running Quartus software on Windows environment, is this correct? May I know which version of Windows OS?

Q2. Have you install the WSL patch correctly on your OS?

Please ensure that the WSL installation and patch is installed successfully.

Q3. Other than the log you shared, is there any other error that appear on Quartus?

Hoping to hear back from you so that we can proceed for next step.

Thank you.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Wei Wei,


Good day.

We do not receive any response from you for more than a week to the previous reply that I have provided. 

This thread will be transitioned to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread.

Thank you.

Best Regards,


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