Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16949 Discussions

IP_Compiler for PCI Express fails to Generate (Cyclone IV GX, Qsys 17.0)

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone, 


after migrating a Qsys design from version 15 to Quartus 17.0.2, I cannot generate the system anymore. When I include the "IP_Compiler for PCI Express" component and generate the HDL, it fails with these messages: 


Info: pcie_internal_hip: "pcie_hard_ip_0" instantiated altera_pcie_internal_hard_ip_qsys "pcie_internal_hip" Info: altgx_internal: Family: Cyclone IV GX Info: altgx_internal: Subprotocol: Gen 1-x4 Info: altgx_internal: qmegawiz -silent module=alt_c3gxb LOCKDOWN_EXCL=PCIE IP_MODE=PCIE_HIP_8 gxb_analog_power=AUTO tx_analog_power=AUTO elec_idle_infer_enable=false tx_allow_polarity_inversion=false rx_cdrctrl_enable=true hip_tx_clkout rx_elecidleinfersel fixedclk enable_0ppm=false pll_powerdown intended_device_family=cycloneiv starting_channel_number=84 deviceFamily="Cyclone IV GX" wiz_subprotocol="Gen 1-x4" OPTIONAL_FILES=NONE unsaved_pcie_hard_ip_0_altgx_internal.v Error: altgx_internal: Stderr: Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Error (114000): Time value 100.0MHz MHz and time unit are illegal Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" while executing "exec qmegawiz -silent module=$modulename $family_params $cbx_params OPTIONAL_FILES=NONE $output_file " Error: altgx_internal: Generation callback did not provide a top level file. Found unsaved_pcie_hard_ip_0_altgx_internal.v in output directory - callback must `add_file $output_dir/unsaved_pcie_hard_ip_0_altgx_internal.v {SIMULATION SYNTHESIS}`  


This happens also when I create a new Qsys design and add only the PCI Express component with the default settings and nothing else. I'm running Qsys 17.0 Build 602 on Linux. The failing qsys file is attached. 


Any ideas about how to fix this? 




4 Replies

I have exactly the same problem with quartus 18.1 and cyclone iv gx, but only on Linux. On Windows it works fine.

When i run Qsys/Platformdesigner as sudo it also works on linux.


Could you solve your Problem?


Maybe this issue is because of different environment variable settings?

For example the language locale setting and so the number formatting is different. So that "MHz" is duplicated in "Time value 100.0MHz MHz".

0 Kudos

For anyone having the same issue:


I had to install:

sudo apt install libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module sudo apt install gtk2-engines gtk2-engines-murrine

Because of this missing packages libgtk wrote warning information to the background console of qsys during generating.

Likely qsys parses this consoles output and fails horribly when it sees this warning messages.



Thank you! These gtk plugins solved subject problem!

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