Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16598 Discussions

Is it possible to use $writememb in Quartus II?

Honored Contributor II

Hi all. 


I have a question about $writememb command in Verilog coding. 


I can run $readmemb command without problem, but I can't get any output from $writememb command.  

I have my code compilation passed without error, but the target file doesn't get anything written in it after run.  


There are very few references on google and I am rather confused whether $writememb is a valid command in Quartus II. 

If it is, can anyone share the experience on how to use the command correctly? 


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

$readmemb() works in a verilog initial block to set the initial contents of a block ram. This is valid in QuartusII to fill a register array (eg, block rams) with data at FPGA configuration time. It will work either in QuartusII (implementation) or modelsim (simulation). 


However, $writememb() makes no sense in an FPGA implementation itself. Write the memory contents where? $writememb() would only be valid and useful in a test bench, not the FPGA itself. It does work in modelsim (simulation) as in a test bench context.
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Honored Contributor II

I see! Thank you ak6dn!  

Now I see what has gone wrong in my concept.  

Thank you very much for the explanation. :)
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