Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16606 Discussions

Is there's a way to convert program used in cyclone II to Cyclone V?


Hello everyone,

I worked in a program in quartus II 4 years by using cyclone II* and now a day i just wanted to re-use the same program with cyclone V* but i'm getting error message of pins that 's not matching with the latest version version of quartus i'm using now.


I've tried to apply the change proposed by the new version of quartus but still when i'm trying to load the file trough the software, it says "FAILED".

Going to need some help cause i need to use that project in a week.



If you need code i can give !!!

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1 Reply

Hi MLO3,


Which configuration scheme that you are trying to use with the Cyclone V device? If you are able to migrate the Cyclone II design into the newer Quartus version and recompile for Cyclone V device, then there should be a .sof file generated for Cyclone V device. When you say trying to load the file trough the software, it says "FAILED", I assume this is referring to Quartus programmer error. Can you provide more detail screen shots on the error message log from Quartus when the .sof file programming failed?




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