Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16597 Discussions

Modelsim and CycloneV PLL : flat output

Honored Contributor II

Hello everyone, 


I am trying to simulate a QSys design with Nios and custom IPs, one of them including a reconfigurable pll. 

I am able to compile my design, simulate it, but when simulating, clock outputs from the pll stay at a value of '0' and it doesn't lock. 


What makes it tricky is that I can simulate the IP which contains the PLL with a testbench and everything works fine. but when this IP is placed in a wider qsys design it doesn't work. 

I watched pll inputs ant outputs, nothing seems suspect except its flat outputs : 


pll startup :  

as you can see, output clocks stay flat, but reconfig_from_pll has a legit value. 


the libraries I use in my design :  

vlog "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_primitives.v" -work altera_ver vlog "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/220model.v" -work lpm_ver vlog "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/sgate.v" -work sgate_ver vlog "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_mf.v" -work altera_mf_ver vlog -sv "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/mentor/" -work altera_lnsim_ver vlog "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/cyclonev_atoms.v" -work cyclonev_ver vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_syn_attributes.vhd" -work altera vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_standard_functions.vhd" -work altera vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/alt_dspbuilder_package.vhd" -work altera vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_europa_support_lib.vhd" -work altera vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_primitives_components.vhd" -work altera vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_primitives.vhd" -work altera vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/220pack.vhd" -work lpm vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/220model.vhd" -work lpm vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/sgate_pack.vhd" -work sgate vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/sgate.vhd" -work sgate vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_mf_components.vhd" -work altera_mf vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_mf.vhd" -work altera_mf vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_lnsim_components.vhd" -work altera_lnsim vlog "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/mentor/cyclonev_atoms_ncrypt.v" -work cyclonev vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/cyclonev_atoms.vhd" -work cyclonev vcom "$QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/cyclonev_components.vhd" -work cyclonev  

they are all given as -L arguments to the vsim command. 


the pll simulation file I use : 

vcom "D:/dev/TstPtfm/output_files/testbench/TstPtfm_tb/simulation/submodules/altera_pll_clock_gen.vho" -work clock_generator  


when vsim loads the component : 

# Loading clock_generator.clock_def_pkg(body)# Loading clock_generator.f_clock_generator_ip(imp)# Loading altera_lnsim.altera_lnsim_components# Loading clock_generator.altera_pll_clock_gen(rtl)# Loading sv_std.std# Loading cyclonev_ver.cyclonev_lcell_comb# Loading ieee.vital_timing(body)# Loading ieee.vital_primitives(body)# Loading cyclonev.cyclonev_atom_pack(body)# Loading cyclonev.cyclonev_components# Loading sgate.sgate_pack(body)# Loading clock_generator.altera_pll_reconfig_clock_gen(rtl)  

it seems that all necessary libraries are loaded. 


I already RTFM and googled my problem. The only thread that could be related is : 

I already had to deal with this "error in protected content" issue and used the solution given in the thread (include verilog lib). 


My question is simple : do you have any idea of what is happening and how to solve it? 


Thank you for reading all this and have a good day!
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I haven't run into this problem myself. But I think you need to ask yourself if it works fine for you in isolation, but fails when integrated into the larger system: what changed? 


From your description, it sounds like you might be using your own Modelsim scripts instead of the Qsys generated ones; your list of libraries doesn't match what I have in my projects which use the msim_setup.tcl from Qsys 13.1 Have you tried using the Qsys testbench scripts just to see it lock (or not)?
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Honored Contributor II

Sooooo... I finally managed to make this pll work. 

I originally used a first pll to provide its clock input, starting up after a short while. I used its "locked" signal as a reset so that my problematic pll didn't try to sync without input (cf printscreen from the first post). I switched for an independent clock source, starting up without delay, and suddenly it works.  

So my conclusion is : never let a pll without input clock, even if it's in reset (at least in modelsim).
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