Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17003 Discussions

NativeLink error when try to run QuestaSim simulation



I'm having problems with NativeLink. Quartus (std) doesn't open QuestaSim. I specified the correct location in EDA tools options and I set the simulation and NativeLink settings (tool name and test bench).

In the terminal I see this error:


Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus Prime Shell
Info: Version 23.1std.0 Build 991 11/28/2023 SC Standard Edition
Info: Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Info: Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
Info: and other software and tools, and any partner logic
Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any
Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject
Info: to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
Info: Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
Info: the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
Info: agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
Info: the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
Info: Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
Info: refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
Info: Processing started: Tue Jan 28 14:46:21 2025
Info: Command: quartus_sh -t /home/dprandel/intelFPGA/23.1std/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/qnativesim.tcl transceiver_1 mgt_
Info: Quartus(args): transceiver_1 mgt_
Internal Error: Sub-system: ATCL, File: /quartus/ccl/atcl/atcl_root.cpp, Line: 508
Unable to load Tk library
Stack Trace:
0x8063: err_report_internal_error(char const*, char const*, char const*, int) + 0x1a (ccl_err)
0x1a4fe: atcl_init_tk_window(Tcl_Interp*, char const*) + 0xf9 (ccl_atcl)
0x2f19b: atcl_init_tk + 0xa3 (ccl_atcl)
0x4753b: TclInvokeStringCommand + 0x7b (tcl8.6)
0x4bb47: TclNRRunCallbacks + 0x67 (tcl8.6)
0x4cf29: TclEvalEx + 0x599 (tcl8.6)
0xf40fe: Tcl_FSEvalFileEx + 0x21e (tcl8.6)
0xf4246: Tcl_EvalFile + 0x26 (tcl8.6)
0x1879f: qexe_evaluate_tcl_script(std::string const&) + 0x388 (comp_qexe)
0x19ecb: qexe_do_tcl(QEXE_FRAMEWORK*, std::string const&, std::string const&, std::list<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> > const&, bool, bool) + 0x7ff (comp_qexe)
0x1da75: qexe_standard_main(QEXE_FRAMEWORK*, QEXE_OPTION_DEFINITION const**, int, char const**) + 0x51d (comp_qexe)
0x3a1c: qsh_main(int, char const**) + 0x78 (quartus_sh)
0x3e5c0: msg_main_thread(void*) + 0x10 (ccl_msg)
0x5c9c: thr_final_wrapper + 0xc (ccl_thr)
0x3e68a: msg_thread_wrapper(void* (*)(void*), void*) + 0x6e (ccl_msg)
0xc096: mem_thread_wrapper(void* (*)(void*), void*) + 0x96 (ccl_mem)
0x91a8: err_thread_wrapper(void* (*)(void*), void*) + 0x27 (ccl_err)
0x5cdf: thr_thread_wrapper + 0x15 (ccl_thr)
0x4058a: msg_exe_main(int, char const**, int (*)(int, char const**)) + 0xa8 (ccl_msg)
0xb18f: main + 0x26 (quartus_sh)
0x295d0: __libc_start_call_main + 0x80 (
0x29680: __libc_start_main + 0x80 (
0x3669: _start + 0x29 (quartus_sh)



I get the same error by trying to run Questa Intel FSE. I didn't find anything about this Tk library. I'm using linux alma9. Thank you in advance for your help.

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1 Reply

Could you try running the example design from the user guide below to determine if the issue is design-dependent?

Additionally, the OS you are using does not appear to be officially supported. Please try running the simulation on a different machine with a supported OS to check if the issue persists.


Richard Tan

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