Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

Nios 8.0 web ed fails to initialize quartus

Honored Contributor II

Hello all. 


I have installed and licensed Quartus 8.0 with Modelsim Altera and Nios web edition on my 32-bit Vista notebook. Quartus runs ok but Nios 8.0 IDE still fails to initialize Quartus. It shows 3 bars and just hangs there. I had this same problem with version 7.2 and was suggested it was Vista related. But now I have downloaded version 8.0 which claims to be compatible with Vista but I still have the same problem. What else can be wrong? 


Thank you.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

lol... I had so much problems with getting the board/Quartus/Nios to work with Vista, I just put it aside for months and continued with other parts of my courses. I am an absolute beginner to start with. It was so difficult getting it to work with Vista that I was just put off.  


It's now a few months after and I am braving myself to pick up the FPGA board again and to my surprise, it now works with Vista using the same software versions.  


I was given a patch to work with Quartus 7.2 from the mysupport/altera. Tried it but it failed. Tried Quartus/Nios 8 still failed. I think it has something to do with Vista not releasing services at the background even though I had uninstalled it. Even though I had given the system new licenses/patch etc it was still recognizing the old drivers. I tried to clean my system to the point my system crashed :mad: !!! Newbie in Vista, newbie in everything :o . I think it works now because I have totally reformatted my Vista machine and all is clear. It was a good thing I didn't throw the board out of the window. 


I am now using Quartus 7.2 with the patch on Vista. So far it's working well through the first few tutorials and exercises. I guess Vista doesn't like mistakes in the sequence of installing patches and drivers. 


Any word of caution for me? Will there still be future Vista related frustrations?
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Honored Contributor II

Dump Vista - Use XP.

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