Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16606 Discussions

Partition that will be filled in by QDB file - shouldn't need an 'entity'

Honored Contributor II

I require some assistance with Quartus Pro Edition (17.1) incremental compilation. 


I have a project called 'simple'. It has a single top VHDL file called simple.vhd: 

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; entity simple is port ( input: in bit; clk : in std_logic ; output :out bit ); end simple; architecture rtl of simple is component sub port ( input: in bit; clk : in std_logic ; output :out bit ); end component; begin SC: component sub port map( input => input, clk => clk, output => output ); end rtl;  

The 'sub' module is a very simple module that was compiled in a separate project. It has a single top VHDL file called sub.vhd

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; entity sub is port ( input: in bit; clk : in std_logic ; output :out bit ); end sub; architecture rtl of sub is begin output <= input; end rtl;  

In the 'simple' project, I wish to include only the component declaration, component instantiation, and QDB file for 'sub'. The component declaration and instantiations are shown in the VHDL above. I do not want to include the entity declaration here because the entity's inclusion is generally not required when reusing a synthesized netlist (verified in Quartus Standard as well as other HDL compilation tools). 


What I mean here, is that generally all that is required for reusing a synthesized netlist, is the netlist itself and a component declaration (i.e. the stub). So, I should not have to include an entity declaration in the project when all I wish to do is use a QDB file that contains the already-synthesized 'sub' module. 


I have gone through all of Intel/Altera's Incremental Block-Based Compilation training, and I have not been able to determine how to have 'sub' be truly just a netlist and a component-declaration stub file. 


I am having the following issues. 

1. I cannot reuse the synthesized 'sub' module if it is the top-module of its project.  

  • There must be something wrong here. It does not make sense that I would have to create a wrapper module for 'sub' in its project just so I can reuse the synthesized results of 'sub' elsewhere.... 

  • I tried exporting the entire 'sub' project via Project -> Export Design, but this did not work because when I imported it in the 'simple' project, it wanted the QDB to represent the 'simple' project itself, not a submodule or partition of the 'simple' project. Similar problem when I used command line quartus_cdb to export the root_partition. 


2. I still have problems even if I create a wrapper module for 'sub', set 'sub' as a design partition with Preservation Level=synthesized, and export that partition to a QDB: 

  • How can I tell the 'simple' project that it has a sub-module that should be a pre-synthesized partition? I try to run Analysis & Elaboration, but it fails with "Error(16045): Instance "SC" instantiates undefined entity "sub"." So, there is no module hierarchy for me to set design partitions. 

  • I manually modified the QSF to set the 'sub' module as a partition with a QDB: 

    set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION sub -to SC -entity simple 

    set_instance_assignment -name PRESERVE synthesized -to SC -entity simple 

    set_instance_assignment -name QDB_FILE_PARTITION /data/workspace/sub.qdb -to SC -entity simple 




but this was not successful and resulted in the same error 

  • Finally, I tried adding the entity declaration for 'sub' (which I absolutely should not have to do in 'simple' as it is not required in any other HDL compilation tools). I used the same 3 partition assignments in the above bullet, and I see the following error: 


Error(19326): The partition "sub" is loaded from a Partition Database File (.qdb) and is set to preserve with a Preservation Level assignment. These two preservation types cannot be combined.  


  • It seems like I can get different errors if I do things in different orders.... I was able to get a seg fault by then commenting out the 'sub' entity declaration 



Any help here is much appreciated. Ultimately what I would like to do is synthesize 'sub' to a netlist. 'sub' should ideally be the top level of its own project. Again I should not have to put a dummy wrapper module around 'sub' just to get a reusable netlist.... In Quartus Standard, this is as simple as synthesizing a project to a QXP (similar flow is seen in other tools as well). I would then like to instantiate 'sub' in 'simple' with just a component declaration and instantiation without the entity declaration as is possible with Quartus Standard and other tools. Finally, I would like to be able to synthesize 'simple' and proceed from there. 



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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Note that I have also taken the Design Block Reuse training. The examples of 'black box' VHDL files in this training include the 'entity' declaration as well as 'architecture logic'. I am still confused as to why the black box must be defined in this way as opposed to the more common component declaration. I hope there is a way around this. 


Even when I use the 'black box' VHDL from that training: 

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; entity sub is port ( input: in bit; clk : in std_logic ; output :out bit ); end sub; architecture logic of sub is begin end logic; 


I still see the following error: 

Error(19326): The partition "sub" is loaded from a Partition Database File (.qdb) and is set to preserve with a Preservation Level assignment. These two preservation types cannot be combined.  


I first ran Analysis & Elaboration on 'simple'. Since I added in the entity and logic architectures, this succeeded and provided me with the hierarchy view that included the 'sub' instance. Finally, I set the 'sub' instance as a partition with Preservation Level=synthesized, pointed the QDB file to the one that was exported from the 'sub' partition in the 'sub' project (after adding a dummy top module to the 'sub' project - again I hope this is not the solution...). When I run Analysis & Synthesis, it gives the error mentioned above. 


Again, any help is much appreciated. 


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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Note that I have also taken the Design Block Reuse training. The examples of 'black box' VHDL files in this training include the 'entity' declaration as well as 'architecture logic'. I am still confused as to why the black box must be defined in this way as opposed to the more common component declaration. I hope there is a way around this. 


Even when I use the 'black box' VHDL from that training: 

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; entity sub is port ( input: in bit; clk : in std_logic ; output :out bit ); end sub; architecture logic of sub is begin end logic; 


I still see the following error: 

Error(19326): The partition "sub" is loaded from a Partition Database File (.qdb) and is set to preserve with a Preservation Level assignment. These two preservation types cannot be combined.  


I first ran Analysis & Elaboration on 'simple'. Since I added in the entity and logic architectures, this succeeded and provided me with the hierarchy view that included the 'sub' instance. Finally, I set the 'sub' instance as a partition with Preservation Level=synthesized, pointed the QDB file to the one that was exported from the 'sub' partition in the 'sub' project (after adding a dummy top module to the 'sub' project - again I hope this is not the solution...). When I run Analysis & Synthesis, it gives the error mentioned above. 


Again, any help is much appreciated. 



--- Quote End ---  


I determined that you only want to set the Preservation Level to 'synthesized' in the Developer project, and not the Consumer project. By leaving Preservation Level 'Not Set' in the Consumer project, I am able to synthesize successfully using the QDB partition files from the Developer project. 


Parts of my original question still remain: 

  1. Do I absolutely need to use a dummy top module to export my module for use as a submodule in another project? 

  2. Do I absolutely need to have the entity declaration in the Black Box file, or is there some way that I can use a component declaration instead as I have done with Quartus Standard? 



These may not seem like they are a big deals, but I am not trying to solve this problem for a single simple project. This problem arises when trying to modify existing automated compilation scripts and flows that worked in Quartus Standard and other compilation tools. I am generating component declaration black boxes for submodules, and it is not trivial to just decide that I will use entities in the future. 


Also, any concerns or confirmations regarding whether or not I am doing things correctly (or in the best way) are much appreciated. I know my development flow might be non-standard, and it is that way for a reason :D 



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Honored Contributor II

I have determined that the dummy top module is not needed if using a command-line flow (see, but I am still seeing the requirement for the unwanted entity declaration.

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New Contributor I

Did you ever find a way to make this work? I'm trying the same thing in 18.1 and it just plain doesn't work. I feel like I'm back in Quartus 10 where it all sounded good, but nothing worked the way that Altera claimed. It was just broken. It is just broken!

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