Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Pins Planner Issue

Honored Contributor II



While trying to assign pins via the "Assignments" + "Pins", by mistake I've pushed on something and I lost completely the Assignment Grid that is used to connect pins on the FPGA to signals. All I have on the screen is the big FPGA square. I've tried many things to recover back the assignment editor but I couldn't get it back. I've removed the assignments and import them back, still the problem hunts me. 


I've also uninstalled Quartus II and reinstalled it, but the problem is still here. I'm using Quartus II ver 6.0g. 


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I'm looking at QII 7.2 right now and don't remember what if anything has changed since QII 6.0 for this. Because you still have a "big FPGA square", I assume that you are actually in the Pin Planner window. In QII 7.2, the grid areas are displayed and hidden by "Groups List" and "All Pins List" on the "View" pull-down menu. Look at this menu while the Pin Planner is the active window to see whether there is a similar display setting that you need to toggle back to on. 


If that doesn't help, check for a pane separator all the way to the edge of the Pin Planner window. Hover your mouse pointer near the window edge to look for a place where it changes to the pointer icon for dragging a separator.
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Honored Contributor II



I've did all this before, but with no success. I'm still gonna go deeper. There's probably a switch I'm not yet seeing.
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