Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16806 Discussions

Powerplay power confidence - Software

Honored Contributor II

I am currently attempting to obtain a high confidence using the powerplay power analyzer tool found in Quartus. For my setup, I use Quartus to create a project and build a Nios II processor using onchip memory in the SOPC builder. I have the SOPC builder generate the necessary simulation files in addition to the the system HDL files. 


After generating the necessary files from the SOPC builder, I use the Nios II Eclipse plugin and develop my software for my generated system. I build and run the system as a ModelSim-Altera simulation. 

Within ModelSim-Altera, I compile and add the proper signals to the wave. Commands, s, c, w. Then I generate a vcd file: vcd file testfile.vcd. I add all the signals of the system: vcd add -r /test_bench/dut/*. I then run the system, run -all. 


After running I quit the simulation and close ModelSim-Altera and open Quartus back up. I then choose the Powerplay power analyzer and select the ModelSim generated vcd file. I let select vectorless estimation and run the tool.  


So far results surrounding using software has provided only low confidence rating in the powerplay power analyzer. In addition, I have used the generated sdo and vho files from the EDA gate level simulation and attempted to add them to the and re-running the run-as ModelSim-Altera option in the Nios II eclipse plugin. 


Is there any way to obtain a high confidence rating from the powerplay power analyzer tool using the Nios II Eclipse generated C/C++ code in addition to the SOPC system build. 



Thanks for the help. 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II



I'w got similar questions. 


When creating simulation files in the SOPC environment, RTL level simulation files are created (.vhd files, not gate level .vho files). 


I know that RTL simulation only considers the functionality of a design, where as gate level simulation also takes timing information into consideration (using a compiled netlist).  


For the PowerPlay power analyser, I would like to acheive High Power Estimation Confidence level for the SOPC system.  

Inorder to acheive this, the PowerPlay power analyser needs toggling data (collected in a .VCD file) from gate-level simulations. 


From the Eclipse SBT, the SOPC system is simulated at the RTL level.  


I create a SW application and I use "Run As" -> "Nios II ModelSim" inorder to run the simulation. This is conveniant, since the SW application provides correct stimulus data for the SOPC/NiosII system, however, I'm not able to acheive High Power Estimation Confidence level 


On the other hand, The Quartus II compiles the whole project (SOPC + toplevel file that instantiates the SOPC design) and creates a netlist which can be used inorder to run a gate level simulation. However, doing things this way, I don't have a SW application that can be used as stimulus data for the SOPC/Nios II design.  


If anyone knows of a more conveniant way of acheive High Power Estimation Confidence level for the SOPC system, (or if there is a way of doing this using QSYS), kindly let me know. 



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