Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16755 Discussions

Unexpected large routing delay on input ports

Honored Contributor II

Hi there, 


When constraining some input ports with our design, we observed quite large delay on some ports as follows, most of which is consumed by routing elements. 


0.000 0.000 launch edge time 0.000 0.000 clock path 0.000 0.000 R clock network delay 1.000 1.000 F iExt 1 PIN_AJ32 cpld_gpio 8.747 7.747 data path 1.000 0.000 RE 1 IOPAD_X0_Y2_N33 STRATIXV_IO_PAD 1.000 0.000 RE 1 IO_PAD_OUTPUT_X0_Y2_N33_I1 IO_PAD_OUTPUT 1.000 0.000 RE 1 IO_INPUT_BUFFER_INPUT_X0_Y2_N34_I0 IO_INPUT_BUFFER_INPUT 1.000 0.000 FF IC 1 IOIBUF_X0_Y2_N34 cpld_gpio~input|i 1.646 0.646 FF CELL 8 IOIBUF_X0_Y2_N34 cpld_gpio~input|o 1.646 0.000 RE 1 IOIBUF_X0_Y2_N34 STRATIXV_IO_IBUF 1.646 0.000 RE 1 IO_INPUT_BUFFER_OUTPUT_X0_Y2_N34_I2 IO_INPUT_BUFFER_OUTPUT 1.646 0.000 RE 1 IO_INPUT_PATH_RE_X0_Y2_N52_I0 IO_INPUT_PATH_RE 2.505 0.859 RE 2 IO_INPUT_PATH_RE_X0_Y2_N52_I63 IO_INPUT_PATH_RE 2.505 0.000 RE 1 IO_INPUT_PATH_RE_X0_Y2_N52_I65 IO_INPUT_PATH_RE 2.505 0.000 RE 1 IO_INPUT_PATH_RE_X0_Y2_N52_I57 IO_INPUT_PATH_RE 2.760 0.255 RE 1 IO_RE_X0_Y2_N33_I114 IO_RE 2.796 0.036 RE 1 HIO_BUFFER_X0_Y2_N0_I46 HIO_BUFFER 3.026 0.230 RE 1 C4_X1_Y0_N0_I28 V_SEG4 3.310 0.284 RE 1 R6_X2_Y1_N0_I16 H_SEG6 3.885 0.575 RE 1 C4_X7_Y2_N0_I16 V_SEG4 4.547 0.662 RE 1 C4_X7_Y6_N0_I16 V_SEG4 5.016 0.469 RE 2 C4_X7_Y10_N0_I16 V_SEG4 5.265 0.249 RE 2 R3_X5_Y10_N0_I30 H_SEG3 5.448 0.183 RE 1 C4_X5_Y6_N0_I30 V_SEG4 5.660 0.212 RE 1 C4_X5_Y2_N0_I30 V_SEG4 5.819 0.159 RE 1 C4_X5_Y0_N0_I48 V_SEG4 5.953 0.134 RE 1 R3_X6_Y1_N0_I13 H_SEG3 6.386 0.433 RE 1 C4_X8_Y2_N0_I12 V_SEG4 6.967 0.581 RE 1 C4_X8_Y6_N0_I12 V_SEG4 7.550 0.583 RE 1 C4_X8_Y10_N0_I12 V_SEG4 7.776 0.226 RE 2 R3_X9_Y13_N0_I9 H_SEG3 7.929 0.153 RE 1 R3_X10_Y13_N0_I9 H_SEG3 8.087 0.158 RE 1 R3_X9_Y13_N0_I27 H_SEG3 8.222 0.135 RE 1 R3_X7_Y13_N0_I30 H_SEG3 8.403 0.181 RE 1 C4_X7_Y9_N0_I30 V_SEG4 8.536 0.133 RE 1 LOCAL_INTERCONNECT_X7_Y10_N0_I45 LAB_LINE 8.602 0.066 RE 1 BLOCK_INPUT_MUX_X7_Y10_N0_I65 LEIM_INPUT 8.602 0.000 FF IC 1 LABCELL_X7_Y10_N48 i_board_services|i_qsys_subsystem|cpld_interface_0|state.flash_mm.readdatavalid~feeder|dataf 8.641 0.039 FF CELL 1 LABCELL_X7_Y10_N48 i_board_services|i_qsys_subsystem|cpld_interface_0|state.flash_mm.readdatavalid~feeder|combout 8.641 0.000 RE 1 LABCELL_X7_Y10_N48 STRATIXV_LCELL_COMB 8.641 0.000 FF IC 1 FF_X7_Y10_N49 i_board_services|i_qsys_subsystem|cpld_interface_0|state.flash_mm.readdatavalid|d 8.747 0.106 FF CELL 1 FF_X7_Y10_N49 board_services:i_board_services|qsys_subsystem:i_qsys_subsystem|cpld_interface:cpld_interface_0|state.flash_mm.readdatavalid It can be seen that from cpld_gpio[11]~input|o (the input buffer) to state.flash_mm.readdatavalid~feeder|dataf (the register in the code which is directly fed by the input cpld_gpio[11]), there is a delay of 8.602-1.646=6.956ns consumed by routing elements.  


Our aim is to constrain the input delay within 5ns and alread have a set_max_delay constraint. We also locate that piece of code close to the input ports in chip planner. However the large delay is still there. 


Does anyone know how to efficiently reduce routing delay? 


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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Have you set synthesis tool to use io registers (e.g. through assignment editor) for relevant inputs?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Have you set synthesis tool to use io registers (e.g. through assignment editor) for relevant inputs? 

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Thanks. We have enabled the fast input regs. However in our code, the input port actually drives three different register groups in the state machine, like 


state 1: reg_A <= cpld_gpio [11]; 

state 2: reg_B <= cpld_gpio [11]; 

state 3: reg_C <= cpld_gpio [11]; 


In this case, even after enabling fast input regs, only one register group will be located next to the I/O port. The other two are still located in the core and have large delay.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I wonder if this going to be any good: 

you set the coding to use one io register then assign it to A,B,C
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I wonder if this going to be any good: 

you set the coding to use one io register then assign it to A,B,C 

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That is the problem - we cannot do this. The state machine acts as an avalono-mm interface, and it needs to response the input signal, let's say, wait_request within 1 cycle (or less) by deasserting the read/write signal and sampling the input data. If we use another level of register, the state machine cannot response in time. 


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Honored Contributor II

in that case remove A,B,C registers and read io register into state machine

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