Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16597 Discussions

Programmer Error Message: "Device Chain does not match physical device chain"

Honored Contributor II

I am new in FPGA design so this question would be an easy one for experts: 


I try to download the "ondie_temp_demo.sof" from the example project "Temperature Sensor on Max10". I have connected the Max10 Dev kit with the 10m50daf484es fpga. Now, when I try to download via JTAG and USB-Blaster (USB connector J12) I get the error message: 


Error (209031): Device chain in Chain Description File does not match physical device chain -- expected 1 device(s) but found 2 device(s).  



In the graphic on the programmer GUI I see one device 10m50daf484es only. When I press the Auto Detect I can select the 10m50da first and two new devices are shown (10m50da and vtap10). When I now add my sof-file and try to program the device following error is shown: 


Error (209031): Device chain in Chain Description File does not match physical device chain -- expected 3 device(s) but found 2 device(s).  


So does anywone know what the problem is and why it does not work? 


Thanks in advance
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Ok found it out. Simply click on the <none> of the first device and choose the file to download...

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Honored Contributor II

Generally after start the programmer, I will click Auto detect and then right click on the FPGA device to change file and then download.

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Honored Contributor II



Just remember that the programmer need to list the same number of devices in the JTAG on the physical board. So, if there are 3 devices in the JTAG chain on the board, then you need to add the same 3 devices in same arrangement in the programmer. The easiest way is to perform auto detect then the program can detect the number of physical devices on the board. However it is good to know the actual device part number as the programmer may detect multiple devices which has the same idcode.
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Honored Contributor II

This helped me! Thank you.

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