Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16837 Discussions

QSYS vs SOPC -> EPCS boot code hex file different

Honored Contributor II



We are migrating our Cyclone III project from Quartus 11.1sp1 to Quartus 13.1, and of course 13.1 does not support editing our SOPC file. So, we converted SOPC to QSYS but noticed that the EPCS hex file generated was different in the QSYS generation vs the SOPC generation. We use REMOTE UPDATE, so we had the boot file source code which we modified for the two different apps that run in our product. 


I assume that the EPCS boot code source file has changed, either for QSYS, or for Quartus 13.1 - is this a correct assumption?  


Is it possible to use the SOPC EPCS hex file - will it still run? I'm not sure why it wouldn't as it is the same NIOS IP. 


Lastly, if we must use the new EPCS hex file, can someone tell me where the EPCS boot code source files are located? 


Thank you in advance.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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Lastly, if we must use the new EPCS hex file, can someone tell me where the EPCS boot code source files are located? 


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The source is in the Quartus directory nios2eds/components/altera_nios2/boot_loader_sources. 

The boot loader is described in AN458 


You're probably fine with your old .hex file; I'd try it before jumping to patching the latest.
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks Ted!

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Honored Contributor II

Out of curiosity I compared the boot loader sources from 11.1sp2 and 13.1. It looks like the changes were to add support for more flash chips, and some code was moved to different files. I didn't do a detailed check, but that's what the comments in the code said.

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