Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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QUESTION on Signal Assignment of same signal and measuring times in FPGA.

Honored Contributor II

Dear all, 

can you tell me if the following is an illegal statement in VHDL 2008. I want to count up a signal read_pointer synchronously but I am not sure if the signal assignment of the same signa plus 1 will correctly synthesized: 


address_pointer : process(CLK, RESET_H) begin if (RESET_H = '0') then read_pointer <= (others => '0'); elsif (rising_edge(CLK)) then read_pointer <= read_pointer + '1'; end if; end process address_pointer;  


Or do I have to make a buffering signal like this read_pointer <= read_pointer_mem + 1 and then behind the process read_pointer_mem <= read_pointer? 



And I do have one further question: 


What is the best way to measure a span of time in FPGA. I want to measure the span of time between two data packets. My idea was to count just the clk_cycles between the packets. Are the other ways? 


Thank you.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Yes - use a counter to measure time, in clock cycles. That's how I would do it. 


As for your code - fundamentally it's about right. What signal type are you proposing for 'read_pointer'? Depending on what that is will determine whether you need single quotes around the '1'. I'd suggest using an 'unsigned' type or an integer with a positive range. Then you wouldn't put single quotes around your + 1. 


Whether you need a 'buffer' signal depends whether 'read_pointer' in a output port to your entity. You can't read output ports. So, if so, you'd need a local buffer which you'd increment and also assign to the relevant output port. 



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Honored Contributor II

This post has no VHDL 2008 code, unless you are using numeric_std_unsigned or numeric_bit_unsigned to allow the addition of a vector and a bit/std_logic (that you are doing in the code) (but I dont think quartus supports those libraries yet). 


This is really a question of logic, rather than code standard, and I think Alex has covered it.
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