Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

Quartus II (Subscription Edition) does not list Stratix devices

Honored Contributor II

I have just installed Quartus II (Subscription Edition with a license) V 13.1.0.(Build 162) on CentOS. Why am I unable to select Stratix V GX from the devices under Device Familly when I try to create a new project? We have been struggling with this for days now. The only devices available to select are the Cyclone , Max and Arria devices. Thanks in advance for any help with this.

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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I have just installed Quartus II (Subscription Edition with a license) V 13.1.0.(Build 162) on CentOS. Why am I unable to select Stratix V GX from the devices under Device Familly when I try to create a new project? We have been struggling with this for days now. The only devices available to select are the Cyclone , Max and Arria devices. Thanks in advance for any help with this. 

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Did you install the Stratix V devices when you did the installation? 


There are two devices ISO images when you did the installation. The Stratix V should have been part of the first Devices DVD (which had the Cylone and MAX devices. Arria are part of the second DVD. So you installed both DVD's worth, but it's possible that you had the Stratix V unchecked. 


The other possibility, is the device file was corrupted (if you downloaded directly), so it failed to install the Stratix V family. I've seen this happen before, but it always gave me an error during the installation. 


I have 13.1.3 build 178 installed (13.1.0 is build 162) under Ubuntu 12.04 and I see the Stratix V with no issues. 


In your instatllation path you should see [install-path]/quartus/common/devinfo/stratixv directory. 

This directory should have all the various support files for the family. 




0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thanks for reply. I see the stratixv directory in that location but still don't have the choice of selecting any stratix devices when creating a new project. Any other suggestions? 



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Honored Contributor II

How many files are located in that .../devinfo/stratix directory 


I'm showing 1531 with : 

ls -1 | wc -l 



I don't really know how Quartus gits its list of devices, but I beleve it's in the database files in the ../devinfo/ directory. 


If you don't have the 1531 files, the device file stratixV must have been corrupted during the install process, and aborted. 


there is a .../devinfo/dev_install directory that has a script that can install just devices. It's looking for a quartus qdz (compressed device files) 


I think you can get those from: 


Click on the indivudual files tab and download just the StratixV Device support 


Check to make sure the MD5sum matches what is listed. Then run the script and point it to this download to install. 


If it still doesn't work, I recommend you open a support case with Altera. 



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Honored Contributor II

Hi Pete, 


It is showing 2067 by using that command from inside .../devinfo/stratix directory 

ls -l | wc -l  


We have also tried CentOS 6.5 (64-bit) with the latest Quartus 14.0 (64-bit) and we are getting the same results. A screenshot is attached of the devices installed during Quartus installation.  


We will try installing Ubuntu now to see if we will get different results. Thanks. 



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