hidden text to trigger early load of fonts ПродукцияПродукцияПродукцияПродукция Các sản phẩmCác sản phẩmCác sản phẩmCác sản phẩm المنتجاتالمنتجاتالمنتجاتالمنتجات מוצריםמוצריםמוצריםמוצרים
Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Quartus II font size

榮譽貢獻者 II
7,245 檢視

is there a way to change the size of fonts displayed on the central panels in Quartus II 15.0? 


The ones in v15 are much larger than those on 13.1 :( 


I did change the size on the messages, but the rest is too large. 


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3 回應
榮譽貢獻者 II
4,740 檢視


--- Quote Start ---  

is there a way to change the size of fonts displayed on the central panels in Quartus II 15.0? 


The ones in v15 are much larger than those on 13.1 :( 


I did change the size on the messages, but the rest is too large. 



--- Quote End ---  



Linux, Debian with KDE (sorry, forgot that part)
榮譽貢獻者 II
4,740 檢視

Hi rhexsel, 


Typically i never changed before. However you can find the font setting in the Tools>Options>General>Fonts
榮譽貢獻者 II
4,740 檢視



What happend was that the default font (sans serif) was not available on my system, not with that name anyway, and Quartus must have defaulted to a large-ish size. 


Picking a "known" font fixed it.