Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17038 Discussions

Quartus file containing pin out information

New Contributor II

I have been working with an evaluation board for my Cyclone 10LP design with pinouts appropriate for the evaluation board.  The prototype hardware will arrive next week with a different set of pinouts than what I used with the evaluation board.  I have the pinouts already entered for the prototype board in another project that I used to verify the pinouts before finishing the PCB Layout of the prototype boards.  Is there a file that contains the pinout information that I can copy from the pinout verification project to the evaluation board project so that I don't have to manually reenter the prototype pinouts into the evaluation board project to be able to run the evaluation board project on the prototype hardware?

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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

Many ways to do this:

Assignments menu -> Export Assignments in pinout verification project then Assignments menu -> Import Assignments in eval board project

Copy pin assignments manually from one .qsf file to the other.

Pin Planner -> File -> Export and then import in the other project.

Or you could even just reuse the .qsf file itself.  You don't say if the device is the same between the two projects, but even if it's not, you can simply change the target device appropriately leaving the pin assignments intact (have to do this manually in the .qsf or the tool will force you to delete pin assignments when you change the device in the GUI).

Easiest thing to do is export/import assignments.

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Many ways to do this:

Assignments menu -> Export Assignments in pinout verification project then Assignments menu -> Import Assignments in eval board project

Copy pin assignments manually from one .qsf file to the other.

Pin Planner -> File -> Export and then import in the other project.

Or you could even just reuse the .qsf file itself.  You don't say if the device is the same between the two projects, but even if it's not, you can simply change the target device appropriately leaving the pin assignments intact (have to do this manually in the .qsf or the tool will force you to delete pin assignments when you change the device in the GUI).

Easiest thing to do is export/import assignments.

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