Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16597 Discussions

QuartusII and Hardware implementation of Code

Honored Contributor II

Hello All! 

I am interesting in hardware implementation of my VHDL code - for example I wrote  


architecture arch1 of summx1 is 


process (A,B) 



if (A='0' and B='0') then  

Summ <='0'; 

Carry <='0'; 

elsif (A='0' and B='1') then 

Summ <='1'; 

Carry <='0'; 

elsif (A='1' and B='0') then 

Summ <='1'; 

Carry <='0'; 

else -- A=1 and B=1 

Summ <='0'; 

Carry <='1'; 

end if; 


end process; 


end arch1; 






architecture arch2 of summx1 is 


Summ <= A xor B; 

Carry <= A and B; 

end arch2; 



it is implementation of 1-bit counter with carry. 

I looked at RTL - it makes different schematic for differnt architecture, like I understand it will be different imlementation and in logic elements in PLD? 

Also I am interesting why it makes different schematic implementation evet if I turn ON smart compilation? 2nd is more easier- have 2 components in RTL - not like 1-st - a lot of components.. 

How I can look what implementation will be for each architecture - look at hardware logic in PLD - I use EPM3128A. 

I attach files for RTL and Technology Map Viewer(I don`t understand clearly nw wha it is..)
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