Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16631 Discussions

RAM logic not inferred

Honored Contributor II

I am running a design on Quartus and it says for 18 of my instances that it cannot infer RAM logic,what could be the possible reason ?? 

Here is the message it shows: 

Info: Found 18 instances of uninferred RAM logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref0|desc_dadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref1|desc_dadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref2|desc_dadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref3|desc_dadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref4|desc_dadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref5|desc_dadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref0|desc_hadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref1|desc_hadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref2|desc_hadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref3|desc_hadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref4|desc_hadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref5|desc_hadr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref0|desc_adr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref1|desc_adr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref2|desc_adr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref3|desc_adr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref4|desc_adr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Info: RAM logic "nac_core:nac_core|rxu:rxu|rxu_dpref:rxu_dpref5|desc_adr" is uninferred due to illegal secondary signals in read logic 

Plz help...
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The error message illegal secondary signals in read logic says, that your logic definition doesn't correspondend to embedded RAM hardware resources. You should show the respective code to make this point understandable.

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Honored Contributor II


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Honored Contributor II

The problem is, that 3 RAM definition neither have an unconditional address register nor output register operation. desc_wd0 in contrast has an unconditional operated output register and can be inferred. 

The basic operation is as follows: 

always @(posedge clk) begin if (rxch_rd) desc_rptr <= desc_rptr + 1; rxch_dadr <= rxch_vld_i ? desc_dadr] : CSR_dump_adr; rxch_desc <= desc_wd0]; end 

This restriction is due to synchronous RAM hardware properties to my opinion. If it would be possible to do the rxch_vld_i selection on the registered RAM output signal, then RAM inference would work.
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Honored Contributor II

Might be you are right but when I tried only running this code then it inferred the RAM correctly ,did You notice that....

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Honored Contributor II

No, the RAM didn't infer with the original posted design. There had been some syntax errors, e. g. lost lines with end statements and a lost CR. Also the synthesis settings had to be changed to enable infernece of any size RAM. Then three RAM instances showed the error, the same as in your first post.

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Honored Contributor II

I used the full code and it inferred the RAM, 

Ok One more thing , say If I make an assignment like 

reg temp <= desc_dadr[desc_rptr[1:0]] 

and then the conditional statement I think it must infer RAM is it not?
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Honored Contributor II

Yes using another registered variable on address input or data output solves the problem. But it implies an additional clock cycle of pipelining. I couldn't see easily from the code, if the RAM data would be read in time then.

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