Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16639 Discussions

Running de1soc Vector_add example on de5-net

Honored Contributor II

Hi, I was asked if I can run de1soc vector_add example on De5-net board. After I compile the Kernel when I type Make I get the following error :  




arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ host/src/main.cpp ../common/src/AOCL_Utils.cpp -o vector_add -I/opt/intelFPGA/16.1/hld/host/include -I../common/inc -L/opt/intelFPGA/16.1/hld/board/terasic/linux64/lib -L/opt/intelFPGA/16.1/hld/host/arm32/lib -Wl,--no-as-needed -lalteracl -lalterahalmmd -lterasic_apb_16_0_mmd -lelf -lstdc++  

make: arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++: Command not found 

Makefile:41: recipe for target 'all' failed 

make: *** [all] Error 127 



I would be thankful to get some help.
0 Kudos
5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

If you are trying to use the example shipped with the Terasic SoC board, it is obviously not going to work on DE5-Net since the latter is not an SoC board. The example will, by default, compile the host code for ARM, while for DE5-Net you should compile the host code for a standard x86/x64 CPU. 


Use the x64 version of the benchmark provided here: 


P.S. The error you are getting above is due to the necessary ARM cross-compiler not being available on your system. You should install the necessary packages if you want to cross-compile for ARM. You can easily find the package names by searching google for the missing file. Obviously, this is not needed if you are targeting the DE5-Net board.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

If you are trying to use the example shipped with the Terasic SoC board, it is obviously not going to work on DE5-Net since the latter is not an SoC board. The example will, by default, compile the host code for ARM, while for DE5-Net you should compile the host code for a standard x86/x64 CPU. 


Use the x64 version of the benchmark provided here: 


P.S. The error you are getting above is due to the necessary ARM cross-compiler not being available on your system. You should install the necessary packages if you want to cross-compile for ARM. You can easily find the package names by searching google for the missing file. Obviously, this is not needed if you are targeting the DE5-Net board. 

--- Quote End ---  



Thanks for your response. I have run DE5-Net test examples successfully on the Machine. But I was asked if it is possible to run de1soc test examples on DE5-Net. So based on your comments it is not possible. Is that correct?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Thanks for your response. I have run DE5-Net test examples successfully on the Machine. But I was asked if it is possible to run de1soc test examples on DE5-Net. So based on your comments it is not possible. Is that correct? 

--- Quote End ---  



I think the test examples from DE1-SoC and DE5-Net are the same, just targeting different boards. 

You can modify the examples from DE1-SoC manually to target DE5-Net. You should modify the makefile so that the host compiler is changed from arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ to g++, and the target board is de5net_a7 instead of whatever it is right now.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I think the test examples from DE1-SoC and DE5-Net are the same, just targeting different boards. 

You can modify the examples from DE1-SoC manually to target DE5-Net. You should modify the makefile so that the host compiler is changed from arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ to g++, and the target board is de5net_a7 instead of whatever it is right now. 

--- Quote End ---  






# This is a GNU Makefile.^M 

# It can be used to compile an OpenCL program with^M 

# the Altera Beta OpenCL Development Kit 

# See README.txt for more information.^M 

# You must configure ALTERAOCLSDKROOT to point the root directory of the Altera SDK for OpenCL^M 

# software installation. 

# See doc/getting_started.txt for more information on installing and^M 

# configuring the Altera SDK for OpenCL.^M 



# Creating a static library^M 

TARGET = vector_add^M 



# Where is the Altera SDK for OpenCL software?^M 

ifeq ($(wildcard $(ALTERAOCLSDKROOT)),)^M 

$(error Set ALTERAOCLSDKROOT to the root directory of the Altera SDK for OpenCL software installation)^M 


ifeq ($(wildcard $(ALTERAOCLSDKROOT)/host/include/CL/opencl.h),)^M 

$(error Set ALTERAOCLSDKROOT to the root directory of the Altera SDK for OpenCL software installation.)^M 




# Libraries to use, objects to compile^M 

SRCS = main.cpp^M 

SRCS_FILES = $(foreach F, $(SRCS), host/src/$(F))^M 

COMMON_FILES = ../common/src/AOCL_Utils.cpp^M 


# arm cross compiler^M 

CROSS-COMPILE = arm-linux-gnueabihf-^M 


# OpenCL compile and link flags.^M 

AOCL_COMPILE_CONFIG=$(shell aocl compile-config --arm) -I../common/inc 

AOCL_LINK_CONFIG=$(shell aocl link-config --arm) ^M 



# Make it all!^M 

all : ^M 




# Standard make targets^M 

clean :^M 

@rm -f *.o $(TARGET)^M 


I changed the red section to g++ but it is not working. Should I delete Cross_compile ( green ) part ?  


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Changing the red part alone should be enough to fix the target compiler. You should also remove the --arm switches from "AOCL_COMPILE_CONFIG" and "AOCL_LINK_CONFIG".

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